Wrote this to a normie. Eeerrrrr……maybe not normie. Has TDS. This is a good red pill piece:
Bill Binney is one of the greatest heroes of our day. He worked for the NSA prior to 911 on data collection for defense purposes. (Try to find more Binney interviews to learn about his history.) Briefly, the data collection on Americans each and every day is unconstitutional. Binney came up with a way to manage the huge amounts of data collected and to hide the identities of individuals unless and until real crimes were detected. At that time, and only then, the judicial branch would be in charge of authorizing the unmasking of the individuals associated with the criminal activity uncovered by the NSA data. NSA rejected Bill’s program software that protects Americans. Bill became a whistle blower and has been hugely targeted. He now sits in a wheel chair. I can only imagine what he has in place now to protect his family and himself. They wanted him dead.
Bill is brilliant and unravels so much here. You will learn much about our world and the power of unelected intelligence and Senior Executive services from Bill. The more you research him, the more you’ll know.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwUoE8UecC0 The whole thing is interesting…….really gets interesting at minute 30 or so.
I’m going to find “A Good American” and watch it. It sounds excellent.