Silver Star Citation.
For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity while interned as a Prisoner of War (POW) in Southeast Asia from February 1968 to August 1969. Refusing to cooperate with the enemy who resorted to /severe cruelties, Lieutenant Colonel (then Major) XXXXXXXXX resisted all attempts by his captors to compromise his rigid adherence to the Code of Conduct. As a result of his participation in an intracamp communications system, he was placed in solitary confinement, yet he never deterred from performing effectively in a viable leadership capacity. By his steadfast resistance, Lieutenant Colonel XXXXXXXXX brought about an increased intensity in the mistreatment received. His leadership by example and dogged resistance served as an inspiration to other POW's, thus frustrating the attempts of his captors to attain any degree of dominance over them. By his deep sense of devotion to the United States and his fellow POW's, Lieutenant Colonel XXXXXXXXX reflected great credit upon himself, the Marine Corps, and the United States Naval Service.
The Great man, mentioned above, spent more that 5 years held in 5 different POW camps being tortured and starved and came home in 1973 a TRUE Hero. He taught me right from wrong, to Love My Country, to Stand and Salute my Flag, to obey the laws, Love and Serve God, protect my Family and to Defend God, Family and Country with last breath in my body. I fight with Anonymous Digital Soldiers everyday to support my President and Military in an effort take back our Country that has been taken over by Evil & Greed and to right the path for our beautiful experiment of Freedom for All.
Thank You Bakers and Anons for all the hard work you do supporting our efforts.
I Love You and enjoy being here with you everyday.