Historic European City Antwerp Now Majority-Minority
Do not let up on Social Media. Organize locally, write and call your representatives, run for office yourself. If you came here to conduct research, you must remember that activism is far more important than wasting time here documenting the specifics of how the cabal is harming us or naming names and connections of those doing it. And that's because Q Research is more than just research now, we also organize activist efforts, such as fighting abortion. What could be a more important effort than saving hundreds of millions of people world-wide from genocide?
We already know we are being aggressively demographically replaced in our own nations, by immigration policies driven by (((them))). Our fight for the wall here is more than practical against specific invaders across our southern border, but a symbolic stand made on behalf of all heritage peoples against planned genocide. NOW GO OUT AND MAKE YOUR VOICES HEARD!!
"With the demographic change, Antwerp joins a small handful of other cities where minority groups outnumber the national majority. British capital London has been minority majority at least since the time of the 2011 census, where a combination of mass migration and white flight saw the city hit the tipping-point faster than expected.
Britain’s second city, Birmingham, is expected to be majority minority as well by the time of the 2021 census, with almost a quarter of the city already born abroad and white pupils accounting for less than a third of school children.
Baker, please add this important call-to-action to Global Notables below the one about abortion.