Anonymous ID: bb0458 March 2, 2019, 10:09 a.m. No.5465445   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5475 >>5484 >>5485 >>5492 >>5524 >>5533 >>5598


Thank you for baking, baker! And thanks to you and anons for this Globals discussion. It's important to hash out where bakers discretion ends and board policies begin, otherwise it will become a wedge issue and shills will go crazy with it.


>>5464756 lb

>A Global notable should have many nominations for entry from anons and be a group decision

Okay, so activism is okay in Globals as long as anons nominate it? Is this like an upvote thing, or is there some minimum objective criteria? Is there a minimum number of unique ID's that must request it? And if some of those anons can be shown to be shills, do their votes still count? There are many things about reddit that are good, and following the interest of the majority is one of them, because democracy works. Ppl want what they want. For instance, they care about personal health, and I think a good diet is very important. Lots of anons might be interested in hearing my suggestions for healthy eating. It's the kind of thing we kinda need to be reminded about every day, which Globals would be good for IMO. But I'll save that for another debate.

>Suggest making a thread on the issue and how anons can support it, and post updates in thread.

Thanks baker. I just checked and there aren't threads for either the abortion issue or the genocide issue. I guess I could start both. If I do, will both Globals be removed? Until then…

>>5464763 lb

>take it to Meta

Good idea, actually. I'd like to hear BO/BV's take on Globals, I've been confused for awhile. People keep saying it's only for board admin issues, but then there are these activism ones. Some anons don't like research, they should have a say here too. But a little more info to take over to Meta might be good to have before I post over there:

Anons, Can you please upvote or downvote on how many of these activism issues you'd like in Globals?

These are just my top 10, I'm open to suggestion of additions/replacements.

1) Democrats want to murder babies. Keep the pressure on.

2) Globalists want to genocide heritage peoples. Keep the pressure on.

3) Big Pharma wants to force-vax your babies. Keep the pressure on.

4) AMA wants to withhold cancer cures. Keep the pressure on.

5) Soft-on-crimers want to release violent offenders. Keep the pressure on.

6) Faggots wants to soiboi young males. Keep the pressure on.

7) Catholics want to protect sex abusers. Keep the pressure on.

8) Jews want to stop all criticism of AIPAC. Keep the pressure on.

9) Muslims want to block reform on chain-migration. Keep the pressure on.

10) Learn-2-Code Indians want H1B visa policies to continue. Keep the pressure on.

Anonymous ID: bb0458 March 2, 2019, 10:23 a.m. No.5465731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5809


>There is a PP thread btw. Check the dedicated thread list in the dough.

Sorry, you're right. It's just it isn't as visible as Globals. Which is I guess why the PP Global is included even though there's a dedicated thread? I just went over there to post that info in Globals there and I see it's already there – same memes and info. So why do we need it also in Globals?

>It's an organic thing anon. We don't do rulz.

No, you're right. Objective criteria as guideposts are a lot like rules. We shouldn't have objective criteria on a truth-seeking site, better to keep things loose, organic.


>I thought this was 8ch not VOAT

Yeah me too but baker said the abortion Global was in because of anons voting, but that it was also organic… I'm sorry. I'm just trying to understand how things work.



>We don't need global notables for every damn problem in the world.

>It's a Q research board. We are aware of all of these issues.

Okay, that makes sense actually. I mean, if we voted on every one of these, it would get kind of nuts.