Why throw caution to the wind.
What really happened at the summit???
I truly believe both parties were there to strike a deal but given the current circumstances I think Kim was hesitant until he is assured of the clowns who ran our CIA and the rest of the US cabal are dead or behind bars for good and out of North Korea for good.
Just think of it that our own CIA ran NK for decades and his grand father and father were propped up leaders for all that time.
I think he is worried that if this doesn't work the POS's who were running NK would be back in power and they would pick a new family to be propped up to be the figure heads of NK and he and his circle of friends would be out for good in more ways than one.
Just put yourself in the same position and you would not make the radical change either with out proof positive outcomes.
So I think the ball is in 45's court to get the job started and done. No more delays.
Once that has happened then I think we will find a deal in the making very quickly. I am sure that Kim wants to welcome tons of money coming into the country and even taking in lots of cash for himself and other select friends for say finder fees for different joint ventures and projects.
The true best form of leadership in NK as of right now would be BENEVOLENT DICTATORSHIP for his people and hopefully Mr. Kim will strive for that over time verses corrupt socialism and greed.
As Q says the world is watching and people will take note.
The stage is set and the moment of truth is upon us.