Good eye anon. Clearly intentional, and the two words definitely make the sentence read differently.
5 minutes later, Q added: >>544247
>Where we go one, we go ALL.
>Misspellings matter.
>Sentence formation matters.
This seems like a great wedge of truth to focus on. Cognitive dissonance is strong, but in the end truth wins.
>Like an anon said a while back, you can be sued for not baking a cake for a gay couple but youtube can censor based on view points? Shouldn't be. It's discrimination at it's finest.
This is an excellent illustration of a core human rights hypocrisy that normies might see if illustrated to them.
Thinking a little more, shouldn't the baker be allowed to refuse service?
Some would say Youtube, or any non governmental organization should have the same right.
Oh boy. Going back to diglurking…
Thinking Expanded with this one.
Get outta my head! :)
Saw only one typo in first tweet. If so, would that make 'typos' in the second tweet a typo?