Anonymous ID: 23632e March 4, 2018, 1:34 a.m. No.546714   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6718 >>6733


they need to under oath question John O Brennan on this. He and Brzezinski were Obama's clown handler/mentors EARLY on. He would have been at this meeting if in town and planned. He would have been coordinator for all the deepstate crap with Clapper.. like Chertoff. But Brennan would have been the controller. Same how Mueller and Comey are both long time many decades dirty also. But Brennan would have been the WH point person for clowns/NWO/cabal/deepstate

Anonymous ID: 23632e March 4, 2018, 1:50 a.m. No.546768   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Not true they award ABUSERS all the time. Don't forget everyone do NOT tune any TV to the Oscars. And make sure to tell your maga friends normies to do same. little things easy to do to make them feel empowered when they get lowest ratings. Also call out on all platforms proper hashtags to BoycottOscars BoycottOscarSponsors then call out the bastards they have as presenters. mack them on feeds or via @ from your feed or other feeds. BoycottHollywood BoycottBroadway Do not go to movies. Give them NO attention counts money. don't just leave TV on blindly giving shows views. Make a difference. Also yes I have been working FireBehar for a while and boycottView BoycottAbC sponsors and parent company also. Problem is I am shadowbanned like crazy, and acct gets locked every few days. Many I follow their accts just disappear. Ive posted stuff on potus tweets and don't show up too much truth


try to let companies know U R boycotting them. Then stick to it. It sucks because many food companies I boycott. That and boycott israel divest to save the world

Anonymous ID: 23632e March 4, 2018, 2:02 a.m. No.546800   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6804 >>6807 >>6813 >>6830 >>6845


NO!! He will sabotage it. Do NOT push this. Stay away from trusting your life to AJ! He is a controlled Stratfor mossad shill. He shares things already out there, and then just steals from others. He is NOT a source!


He simply titilates people who have no idea about things already out there for decades. So in some ways that is an awakening. BUT he intentionally misdirects. He used leads in many areas to REAL false clown narrative. That is because of who and what he is and who he works for. His wife even said he voted for Hillary as it was good for business model as needed her in office.


Same reason Corsi is just muddled. he can't figure out drops and research. Then he gets misdirected by AJ and they both say stupid shit that is false and leads people down wrong path and is total on purpose fodder for media to turn OFF public from being awakened red pilled (AJ has NO RED PILLS) as they believe the insane stupid shit, that the media then further spins. U have read those articles.. pretty bad.. I can tell U I have been awake for many decades. I know some things and AJ is BS. I would NEVER trust him w/ my life.


I also know his site fully tracks and sucks peoples info, and is very censored. You drop truth it is deleted, censored. That was long ago. and even during Boston/TX bullshit show events. He is bs NOT interested in truth. He is feed where to lead narrative and where to NO lead narrative and who to protect. What he protects our our ancient enemies of humanity. So NO

Anonymous ID: 23632e March 4, 2018, 2:09 a.m. No.546828   🗄️.is 🔗kun


stay away from Milo.. he is another shill. Think is he REALLY maga or conservative, family values, good old USA. what is he what connects to him and his actions.. he is also stupid and allowed other idiots to get his emails and other info and then out him because they were plants. Plants that have then show themselves in other deepstate operations. Like "Baked Alaska" and CIA shill David Duke. You have to understand this is NOT a game. This is not social time. This is life and death. This is all or nothing. Sure monitor shills/agents if have time to see what they are playing at like AJ, Corsi, Milo but don't join anything. and NEVER give your info to them.

Anonymous ID: 23632e March 4, 2018, 2:14 a.m. No.546848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6902 >>6921


Go back… lurk Moar!! holy crap they are not white hats. U R new. There are already suits NOW. Research. U want freedom stop giving attention to AJ, and asshats got it. for fuck sake literally over 30% are just not worth survival.. not those low numbers Q gave. Look most of the stuff U R finding out about have been out for DECADES! any many truths going back centuries. U just NEVER were a seeker, a questioner who sought out truths early on. You do NOT have to believe me. But I am simply from things I KNOW guiding others when I can as a public safety duty.

Anonymous ID: 23632e March 4, 2018, 2:30 a.m. No.546912   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Look a long time ago he skrewed over the Libery party OK.. that would be Ron Paul, Rouso, and Bill Cooper (of Behold the Pale Horse, and his Hour of time etc.). Bill was murdered. Bill was genuine, he was kind, modest, and down to earth. When he found out he got bad info given to him and went down a wrong path he publicly admitted it, that took guts. I met him, when he was hiding out for a while somewhere. OK.. I also met Jones some place and know others also who met up w/ him. This has nothing to do w/ a living. I know WHEN he got all that money and his radio show was going big. I also know it was same time Hal Turner was working for Feds also and harming alot of the same people. I also know alot of people that I have for what ever odd path reason met in my life and many are DEAD, murdered, set up, and many knew alot of truth to counter deepstate bs. Understand when a FF happens and more people are killed ongoing to keep the lie. Many in harms was NOW. I did not focus on his vitamin crap. That was your initiating defense. I can tell you have narrative on 911, and other events OKC are skewed. WRONG and for a reason. yes all inside jobs. But he covers up for people the real perps yet has platform ability to spread truth for a long time. But does NOT. Because in court cases he has admitted he is an entertainer to make money via his media entertainment shows. admitted NOT truthful. NOT news.. ok so much truth out there U don't need to go to him or other shills. But hey horse water.. can't make U drink.. but please use a cognative filter.. do not zombie out and suck it all in as true, because then your perception of other things will be faulty.. he may have helped "wake U up" but like I said he had NO "RED PILLS" U have to learn what a REAL red pill is.. it is WHY Q said he picked 4 chal pol to do this. because all of them were ALREADY RED PILLED.. so able to see big picture as know centuries of truths already.


Free will, but find other sources.. open up and really feel get in touch with truth inside you also. I think some things are better for certain blood types or rhesus factor, or lines but the worse thing I have seen since 1st migration was cult behavior which was dumbing people down, and falling for big boy games here. Again psyops WAR.. life and death here. noise, distractions, BS. It is hard but try to wade through it

Anonymous ID: 23632e March 4, 2018, 2:49 a.m. No.546975   🗄️.is 🔗kun


People are killed for less. I know people that were visited by deepstate FBI, threatened and told to LIE to other FBI for 302 meetings for the fake BS staged "investigation" into OKBOMB. Many were later set up to get busted for things. Some are dead. The govs own on payroll informants were burned and set up to be killed by many factions. Many court cases proved this. So many people just disappear. Look if you went down a list of some events, bank robberies, shootings, bombings going back a few years. Then what the false narrative was and the lies told to public. And seen NO REAL investigations or truth come out. NEVER the right questions asked or those in office held accountable.. Yet you and others knew many truths and connections and even had evidence to things but NONE of it ever makes its way to light think. then these same bad guys tied in go on to commit more crimes and more murders and show up weaved into being the perps or in the background never exposed and are still active and dangerous NOW, in play for more thing and nothing ever done. That is the reality out there. Another man with truth died last year. Bad for us, good for the bad guys. Others in harms way. But bad guys protected. More weavings now. So much bad shit on the table to be pulled and all ties in. Lots of really nice cool patriots in great harms way. No way to get help, because NOTHING has been fixed. No place to report things and have anything done. Thing have been reported. But then so many shootings afterwards and more fuckery. The real world in USA is not pretty or simple

Anonymous ID: 23632e March 4, 2018, 2:59 a.m. No.547002   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7014 >>7018


Learn what "RED PILL" means and is. Alex has NO red pills to give. He may "awaken" some people. but NOT red pill them. big difference. He works for those who truth of RED PILL exposes. He has turned over people, harmed real movements, and caused many believe many peoples deaths and imprisonments. OK. again. go back to BREAD Q. WHY Q chose 4 chan POL. Because all other things would be easy to find since RED PILL of humanity history and who enemy are already known. So then any drops would be worked and not distracted by not understanding the major underlying truths about humanity. And of what has been used to control the sheep for a long time. And how and where infiltrated etc. Others know this. Lots of truth been dropped. Better before multi migrations and I watched lots of true autists, sauce, SF, etc get banned, censored by many. whole threads of real sauce and then BS fame fags redirect, and don't forget intentional misdirection subversion and even blocking Q, but a team faming a book. BTW anyone every buy that book is a POS. ONLY 1 copy should B bought and then fully scanned and put opensource online. so NO profit made., understand. the way of anon take power back

Anonymous ID: 23632e March 4, 2018, 3:17 a.m. No.547048   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7055 >>7100


NO I am not a groupy or cultist to this board. I find sources many places. I also question critically things POTUS does says, and Q. Those are musts. This is not a pride thing.


Understand U clearly are using RED PILL wrong. Jones does NOT RED PILL. He says shows things been out a long time and jumps on other things because it is a business, and narrative to control.


Q wants US ie ANONS/Patriots to unite. That has nothing to do w/ AJ, or Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Brennan, etc.. NOT on same side. Look understand how you learned you have been lied to by media, teachers, false textbooks, fake history etc.. same thing. many in media are there for a reason. Many in org are there for a reason. There whole operations etc in their own docs, records, operations.


Look you may understand war, or big picture, or never been shot at, or lost people, or know major injustice but many do.


Many are in harms way. Being a truther is deadly! Being a whistle-blower is deadly. Same for trying to right wrongs. Look I and others in are fights for our lives. Problem is when I die no one will know. Thing is there are so many like me that IF what we know, what we could testify to could help expose major stuff, and connects to many others. But the thing is the Gov does nothing. So U risk telling truths, and then U have several sides all trying to shut U down, and some kill U. Why so many anons still in such danger? when so easy to fix. Simple. Have REAL honest FBI/DOJ declare them States witnesses and protect them, give them those Federal rights under Fed law. Or at least some place someone who will really investigate w/ proprietorial power and give a fuck do some real interviews, before we lose more people who have parts of the big puzzle. To enter evidence/testify even small bits make better cases. Lots of wars all over the place. NO place in gov to fix it. Pretty pathetic

Anonymous ID: 23632e March 4, 2018, 3:43 a.m. No.547109   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That is false information and not true. That "icecream cone" method is gay and faulty and also leaves no character space for msg. And some hashtags not important but listed, others hot need to be pushed not. I tweeted comments ON DTJ page response to his tweet and dropped some truth and they didn't' even show up. 2 of them. acts locked every few days. Always shadow banned so rely on follows and those who check hashtags to find my posts w/ stuff. VERy rough. BTW U can insult by being truthful Hillary on her tweets, but Chelsea and crazy mad maxine and instantly acct locked for me. Facebook is too invasive and dangerous for some. So can't even use. Twitter only way to follow POTUS at all. Many are shadowbanned hard so network of folks try to RT to up chances of research being spread.