>What I say a class action lawsuit?
Extra ay (What Is a class...)
>When is it effective?
>Who controls the narrative?
>WHO wrote the singular censorship algorithm?
>WHO deployed the algorithm?
>WHO instructed them to deploy the algorithm?
>SAME embed across multiple platforms.
>Why is the timing relevant?
>Where is @Snowden?
>Why did ES leave G?
>Why has NK out of the news cycle?
(missing left)
>Define false flag?
>What event(s) change the news cycle?
(Missing d)
>Why didn’t LV change the news cycle?
(Missing d)
>You have more than your know.
(Extra r
(see >>546717 )
ay left ? ddr
Or ay = a.y. (a person)
ddr = Germany
Perhaps missed an 'm' somewhere?
Is it May left Germany (Theresa May)