Anonymous ID: 711704 March 2, 2019, 11:15 a.m. No.5466847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6870 >>7309 >>7432



So when I’m on the debate stage with one of these MANIACS, I mean trains to Hawaii. How do you get to Europe, we haven’t figured that one out yet. We don’t use planes anymore. You saw what they’re doing in California right? The fast train goes from San Francisco to Los Angeles. It’s over-budget by hundreds of millions of dollars. So they have a great idea, the new governor, a nice guy. WHEN I’M WITH HIM FACE TO FACE, NICE, BUT WHEN HE SPEAKS ABOUT ME NOT SO NICE, BUT FACE TO FACE HE LOVES ME. He called me said you’re a great president, you’re doing a great, actually did two or three weeks ago, so he’ll probably deny it, but CHECK THE PHONE RECORDS AT THE WHITE HOUSE. EVERYBODY ELSE DOES. Check them. Check them.

Anonymous ID: 711704 March 2, 2019, 11:44 a.m. No.5467309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7354




But everyone in this great country right now because of our great new economy is doing well, except, of course, for the NEVER TRUMPERS, BUT THEY ARE ON MOUTH TO MOUTH RESCUCITATION. IT’S MOUTH TO MOUTH. MOUTH TO MOUTH. They’re hanging in a couple them. I mean these guys have gotten me wrong. They’re basically dishonest people. If my name is Smith instead of Trump and if you told them I put in over 100 federal judges. It will soon be over 145 federal judges and two Supreme Court Judges and 17 Appellate Division Judges and that we’ve got the best economy maybe in our history. That we’ve got the best employment and unemployment numbers in our history. That we’ve cut more regulations in two years than any President has ever done, whether it’s 4, 8 or beyond. That we’ve taken care of our military with $1.7 Billion. Think of what we did with our military. Think of the numbers we have for our military. Nobody’s ever heard of these numbers before. Seven Hundred Billion Dollars we spent and then the second year $760 Billion. Obama was spending much less, but our military was being depleted. He was fighting in endless wars. They’d never end. As of probably today or tomorrow, we will actually have 100% OF THE CALIPHATE IN SYRIA.


We’ll leave a small group of guys and gals, but we want to bring our people back home. It’s time. We were going to be in Syria for four months. We ended up there for five years. Just fighting. They just like to fight. We want to fix our country. We want to fix our highways, our roads, our schools. We want to fix our country. It’s time. What I was told by a General I had to fire, I said, General how long before we get 100% of the caliphate. He said sir, two years. I said I can’t take it two years. And then I flew to Iraq, first time I left the White House because I stayed in the White House for months and months BECAUSE I WANTED THE DEMOCRATS TO GET BACK FROM THEIR VACATIONS FROM HAWAII AND THESE OTHER PLACES. And I figured it would look good if I stayed in the White House so that you people WOULD ALL LOVE ME AND VOTE FOR ME.


So I stayed in the White House and I tell you what, I told my wife I said Go to Florida, enjoy your Christmas. I stayed for Thanksgiving. I had cabin fever in the White House.. But if you got to have cabin fever, that’s the place to do it. I SPENT MY NEW YEARS ALL BY MYSELF. DON’T CRY. It was me and about 500 men and women outside with machine guns. I NEVER SAW SO MANY BEAUTIFUL LOOKING MACHINE GUNS. THEY SIT IN THE TREES, THEY SIT ON THE LAWN. I told people. I’m in this massive. You know people don’t know how big the White House is. First of all it’s one of the most beautiful places. I made a lot of money with luxury. This building it’s in 1799. Of courrse when President Xi comes I say 1799 likes it old, to him it’s like a brand new house. In China, they go back 8,000 years.


So I stayed in the White House for months and months except I took a day off. I flew to a lovely place called Iraq and I flew at night and I got there at night and they say, ‘SIR, ALL THE LIGHTS IN THE PLANE ARE GOING OFF.’ I say, Why? Because we’re getting ready to land, we’re an hour out. I say, what about the shades? Well, we want it better than that, maybe light gets through. So we turned the lights off, put the shades down. This is a big plane 747, AF1. So we’re landing and I go up and I look, when I land I like to sit with pilots. I respect people who know what they’re doing and these are the best in the world. And the pilot says, ‘Sir, we’re landing in approximately 1-1/2 minutes. I say, But there’s no runway. No sir, the runway’s right up there sir. I say I don’t see it, I have pretty good vision, AT LEAST FOR MY AGE, I HAVE GOOD VISION. I guess for my age I have great vision. But, I don’t have vision like a 35-year-old captain. He said, No it’s right up there. I said I’m sorry captain, how about this, should we lift off and try it again? Captain, there’s no runway. He says It’s right up there. And we land with practically no lights. Little pin spots. I saidk think of this, we spent $7 Trillion in the Middle East and we can’t’land a plane with the lights on 20 years later. How bad is that? Seriously, how bad is that? Seven Trillion Dollars and we have to fly in with no lights, but I met some incredible people.