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Think of that. True story. Told to me by the border patrol. Think of how bad, how evil that is, those caravans. You look at those caravans and some are phenomenal people, but in those caravans you have stone cold killers. You had the interview done by some innocent person who I think is actually back there now. ‘And what is it that you want asylum for, why is it you are coming to America?’ Murder, she goes what? ‘Murder.’ What’s going on is incredible. And when those caravans are formed, do you think those countries that we used to give a lot of money to, I’ve cut it way back, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador. Do you think as we say they’re giving us their best and their finest? Oh, let’s send our best people up to America so we can give America our greatest people. No, they give us some bad people. People with long criminal records, murderers, killers, drug dealers, human traffickers. They want to keep their good people because they’re smart.
Border patrol reported apprehending 7,000 unlawful migrants in one week on just one part of the Texas southern border. Our immigration system is stretched far beyond the breaking point. To confront this national security crisis, last month I declared a National Emergency. And when I see these people and they’re good people, some Senators, the backing we’ve had in the House has really been fantastic, I’m talking about in the last short period of time. There’s a lot of spirit in the House and I think in the Senate too, but we’re going to have to see because we have a vote coming up. A lot of people talk about precedent. If we do this, then the Democrats will use National Emergency power to do something that we don’t want. They’re going to do that anyway folks. The best way to stop that is to make sure I win the election. That’s the best way to stop them.