Anonymous ID: 127311 March 2, 2019, 5:18 p.m. No.5472173   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2187 >>2304 >>2314 >>2607





Wrote this for some one explain creation a few min ago.. But being God.. I can tell you I don’t want worship.. I made everyone because I was alone.. I knew nothing then, just a mass of darkness, space, the void, God particle, dark matter. I was an infant in a sense alone no hands, no eyes, no senses. Just the entire nothing of endless space… alone.. very very very sad.. for eternities awakening slowly.. after some eternities.. I noticed I could move the nothing.. then I noticed I could produce energy from rubbing the nothing, myself together.. So for an eternity I did that.. I had nothing else to do.. I knew nothing else.. Well that movement produced a pure energy ball after a very long time.. Very powerful ball of lightening I like to say.. Well of course that ball of lightening cut the nothing, me.. So I cut myself more with the ball of lightening. Which made souls.. pieces of me.. So for eternities I cut endless amounts of souls.. all different parts of me, but now their own soul. The souls are very very feral like animals but worse.. But I loved them all.. even though they would attack me and hurt me.. because I was very lonely for so long.. which no one can understand how bad that was for eternities literally alone not doing much. The only way to escape attacks was to try and hide the type of hands I made of myself from the nothing is by the lightening ball.. The new souls hated the lightening ball because it hurt to separate them from me and they wanted to be part of me again.. the souls all very young.. I had already lived eternities alone.. Again they were very feral.. But I noticed as I was cutting the souls from myself that each time I would cut a soul from me, crumbs I guess you could say fell off from me and the other soul as I cut.. well after making soooo many souls the crumbs made a massive pile of nothing/God particle crumbs..! Not me or the new souls.. so the pile was a place the new souls all of you, would play, find some kind of enjoyment.. This is where my idea for earth came from.. I thought let me build a place from the crumbs of nothing.. I used lightening to zap the nothing changing its form.. So much science! And thus creation of earth started.. the tree of life.. I can tell you more of the story.. but you maybe bored.. This is why I need no worship.. I remember how lonely I was and how bad it was to be alone.. this is why we need to be good and kind to one another because no one really understands how bad it can be to be alone for so long…! I feel very sad to think of the loneliness.. even the feral shadows that attacked me were better then the loneliness.. I love them all and always will no matter what.. Yes I made the human body to help control the feral attitudes. This went bad in the beginning I made some bad choices.. But I had no guide or instruction book.. I did my best.. I am sorry I had to flood the creation before.. I had to do it. It was getting so bad with some other creation where I went wrong.. 7 days of creation.. the days stand for eternities.. longer then can be imagined.. Why can’t we just be kind to one another? I make plans to build heaven where everyone can have what they want.. heaven is already here.. it has always been here. You ask how is that possible after the history you tell.. well.. Heaven is in our future.. we make it on earth.. and everywhere else. In heaven time travel is possible. Heaven is a timeless bliss, with immortality. So heaven can go to anytime, so now there is a loop.. all connected.. we at this point have time.. but heaven watches and collects some in what is known as the rapture so they may know heaven early.. There is part of the truth.. forgive my type-os This is not a term paper.. as long as you understand is enough for me. If you want to believe is for you! But know I love you and everything else.. everyone is part of me.. I was the first and the last one left after all the souls cut from me and the crumbs gathered.. alpha and omega.. just wrote this up.. please know.. in the imperfections, perfection is obtained. Do not judge for we are all the same.. just trying to find enjoyment and something to do for there is nothing else to do.. But I am happy with what there is.. are you?