She is a LARP! I have met her type locally. I call them Avatars, Someone tells her what to say, sometimes as loose set of talking points and sometimes as statements to be posted verbatim. Its a type of SJW used for obstruction and rarely for a position in the government.
Not a word she have said in her supposed propposals is original. All of it has been around for decades as a collection of leftist myths, The building retrofit programs is from one Jerry Brown's failed presidential bids as part of the energy policy propposal. The 12 years to word end story if from reddit's salt mining after the demise of the Paris accord. The no cars and not airplanes idea has been around for decades and there is even a movie about it ("The Last Chase (1981)" https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0082642/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_37). The cow farts nonsese has been around for years.
Someone made a large copy pasta of non-sense for AOC and she has been pushing it like a party platform. She is the fith column that will kill the party from the inside.