FYI. Everyone here has the power to change everything. Engage in the CE-5 protocols. Things change for you on a personal level when you see it for yourself. There is no going back.
Q team rep. Do you want to be a part of an actual CE-5 operation? You can do it yourself or you can be apart of of group. For discretion I suggest doing it alone. With a silent and calm mind. They are not here to kill us. Take that in mind. It will help.
Human Initiated Contact. Basically you don't wait to see an ET craft. Ya call them to your position and they show and start flashing at you. Or much more
Another thing bro because I know your dig is starting. There is so much disinfo about anything "alien" and I hate the term, related. Most of the info you find is twisted in some. Be cautious and use discretion. Hint. We are still here.
What the fuck are you talking about??
Sorry dude I click on the dude above you. When I said "what the fuck are you talking about?" it was meant that dude not you
Is it safe to say that most people on here are crazy and that most commenting have never held a security clearance or signed any NDA's?
Why not? Haven't your species been destroying your own planet? And do you not kill your own species? (Meaning each other. War. Illogical)
Security Clearance doesn't just mean humans watching what's going on. In fact Security Clearanceโฆ. I would hope that you are clear amongst the Confederation to make any decisions regarding leaving the planet. Which you are not. This is a message to the Cabal. You will not leave the planet until you are an ideal and peaceful representation of your civilization. You are not allowed to kill and destroy other civilizations not of your world. You have to change in order to be invited to become a part of the Confederation. If you do so you will have many benefits that help your people but not in the aspects of war. Those aspects will be deleted and no longer operational. We await your surrender and approval.
Explain your logic
Tested? Are you referring to the coordinates I received during my first CE5 which led me to the beings I was trying to contact? The "Octoorans" whom you all call "arcturians"? Or are you referring to tlelepathic tendencies? Which happens every day all day.
Oh yes. Killing everything you need to survive. That' logical
What's up with the code?
1 line doesn't matter actually
Did you use notepad?
Was notepad used in any way?
Psychic Mirror Technique used as told by Ricky Butterfasss. It works.
Project Blue Book: An Insider Speaks โ Brigadier General Stephen Lovekin, Esq.
Good. listen to one our own.