Lets say you are right
So what?
Work is done anyway
Saved but jack birdy would be better
We go after every nation who we suspect has nukes
Israelis have nukes for years(proven by Australian report on residual radiation) and nothing..,
If someone complains about this place they can visit fuckbook for a couple of days or reddit
Like a rehab but the other way around
Stats are easy to manipulate, especially with small numbers
Last year 2 murders
This year 4
Increased by 100%
In reality by 2 which maybe within variability
Do you know dates?
We know what you will say
Its nothing new
What will habben in March will be a deciding point
Women better start fighting this fight
Its actually good that they went that far
Let them feel the pain
Would be interdasting to know whether Christmas kids were born naturally or through c section
That would explain dates. Salivating over the child by Castro i saw somewhere else
There were pic just him with Trudeo
Thats a def question mark
For me its constant for a month already after last upgrade whatevsr was done
Measles was like common cold before
Here is an explanation from Harward dr
Thats POTUS job imho
Listen first pls
You just didnt get it yet
And, yes, not all vaccines are bad
Me thinks its a slide
So vaccine debate with the person who advocates for vaccination no matter what is here to convince you to vaccinate, ok
Continue arguing