Firstly, Praise in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus of Nazareth, who lives and who's return is more sure than death itself.
Thank you Q, and team. Our prayers are with you, for our nation, and for the heart and soul of our President. For we know that for this nation to survive it must be lead not by men, but by the Almighty himself.
We pray redemption for our brethren that they might find the Truth and repent to forgiveness. We pray that the blood of the saints which cries out to you hastens your coming; that all suffering might end and your Kingdom come.
We pray for forgiveness of our nation for the atrocities born out in this earth in our name. We pray forgiveness and understanding to the hearts of the peoples around the world who have been poisoned, raped, murdered, mangled, tortured, experimented on, manipulated into war with their brethren, and confounded to immorality to self destruction. Surely it would be just that those same horrors be inflicted upon us 10 fold!
We beg you Lord to fill our hearts with an abundance of forgiving for those who, through OUR OWN ignorance of the truth, we believe to be unrighteous in their indignation. Please Lord lift up the light of truth in the hearts of the people! Let them see that the Majesty of the Lord might again reign over the hearts of the people to Glorify your name in the earth!
We pray Lord that your will be done on this earth, in our hearts, and in our homes. We pray that you be searched for, welcomed, and wanted in our lives. For those things asked of the Father in your name, will be granted.
In the name that is above all names, Jesus of Nazareth, Yeshua the Messiah, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Lamb of the Almighty Living God. Amen.