oh fuck off
shes mossad
i think they're as comped as the right for life
>We are all races, religions, sexual orientations and of both genders.
and we have nothing in common except a pretense we do
attack our wombs, our children, attempt to destroy all white nations, brainwash non-whites into hating us whilst they try and fail to be us,
blood guilt? that's what they all accuse whites of.
nice CPAC
it is a hate crime
perpetrated by a mulatto cock sucker, white hating blacks, latinos, pedophiles, white race traitors and the boss kikes
based on white blood guilt
aided and abetted by every single elected official and all law enforcement bar none
who are silent at all times
they never see a crime against whites
they don't rush away from in panic
oh fuck we have to keep LYING its how we CONTROL white people
unite around what?
define love.
define hate.
just fuck off with your have a coke and smile shit
tennis courts replaced by PRC SAM site
yup you got nothing
as long as it takes so everyone including me gets their heads straight
millions of deaths is not cool
did the jews ban her?
>posts gay porn and Jew hate
nice try rabbi
>"They shall be cast into the exterior darkness where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth.
>Soulless demons are produced in abundance by MSM programming.
you're such a Jew
methinks you're thick as pig shit
yup you''re a jew