Anonymous ID: 3fc980 March 3, 2019, 6:24 a.m. No.5480668   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0748 >>0887 >>1048 >>1171

Trump backs merit-based immigration at CPAC


President Donald Trump backed merit-based immigration of people who love the U.S., rather than an open-borders type of system. Without giving names, he also said that there are individuals serving in Congress who hate America.


Immigrants must enter the country legally and immigration must be decided on “merit, merit, merit,” the president said in a Saturday speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland, just outside of Washington, D.C.


Trump criticized individuals on the left who want to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement and want to grant amnesty to people who immigrated illegally. Rather, he said that border control is an important part of his agenda.


The president warned that illegal immigration creates a crime problem and said that coming here illegally amounts to an “invasion.” He said that it is time to shut down sanctuary cities, which are cities that do not enforce immigration laws, end catch and release, end chain migration and cancel the visa lottery.

Additionally, Trump defended his national emergency declaration to get money to fund a wall on the southern border with Mexico and criticized those who disagreed that he had the power to do that. Democratic leadership opposed him, and a handful of Republicans opposed it, as well.


“You know I’m building the wall,” Trump said, which was reciprocated with “build the wall” chants from the crowd.


Trump called illegal immigration inhumane, unjust and cruel, and pointed out that a large number of women who immigrate illegally are sexually assaulted or raped.

Anonymous ID: 3fc980 March 3, 2019, 6:59 a.m. No.5480947   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0969 >>0971 >>1048 >>1171 >>1187

Trump says a new executive order could strip colleges of funding if they don’t ‘support free speech’


A new executive order from the White House will aim to make federal research funding for colleges and universities contingent on their support for “free speech,” President Donald Trump said Saturday.


The announcement, during Trump’s address to the conservative conference CPAC, appeared to target complaints by some university critics that institutions of higher education stifle right-wing viewpoints.

“If they want our dollars, and we give it to them by the billions, they’ve got to allow people like Hayden and many great young people, and old people, to speak,” Trump said, bringing onstage a young conservative, Hayden Williams, who was physically attacked last month while tabling for a conservative organization at the University of California at Berkeley.


The executive order, Trump said, would “require colleges to support free speech if they want federal research” money. Spokespeople for the White House didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.


Trump said he planned to sign the order “very soon,” but did not provide specifics or say whether a draft has already been prepared.

The federal government distributes more than $26 billion a year to colleges and universities for research purposes, according to the National Science Foundation. The vast majority of that money is assigned to projects for the Pentagon, NASA, and the Departments of Agriculture, Energy, and Health and Human Services.

Trump is likely on strong footing with the proposed executive order, said Cynthia Miller-Idriss, an associate professor of education at American University.


“There’s a history of the federal government requiring universities to do certain kinds of things in order to receive federal research funding,” she said in an interview. For example, she said, the U.S. government imposes ethical guidelines on studies involving human subjects.

But the order could disproportionately affect private colleges and universities over public ones, Miller-Idriss added, because those institutions have historically enjoyed greater leeway to determine who may speak on campus.


“If I had to wager a guess at this point,” she said, “I would say probably [the order] would be asking for private universities to follow the same kinds of things state universities have had to do, which is basically to say that if you rent space publicly, for example, you can’t control who rents that space.”

Standing on stage together, Trump praised Williams and urged him to sue the University of California over the incident. A university spokeswoman didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

Anonymous ID: 3fc980 March 3, 2019, 7:05 a.m. No.5481005   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1093

Private school investigated over sex abuse claims


A former pupil of St Aloysius' College in Glasgow has said he was sexually abused at the school in the 1960s.

The man, now aged 66, made allegations against two Jesuit priests, one of whom was a teacher at the college.

Police Scotland confirmed inquiries were carried out in 2017, but there was insufficient evidence to pursue the matter further.


The college said it has "clear and robust safeguarding ­procedures" in place.

Speaking to the Scottish Sunday Mail, the former pupil said he was subjected to ­sustained physical abuse by another two teachers - a Jesuit and a lay teacher.

He said the abuse started in his first year of attending the school, when he was 12 years old, and lasted around two-and-a-half years.


He named two Jesuit priests to police who he said were involved in the sexual abuse, but officers later established the men had died years earlier.

Detectives interviewed a third priest, who the man had accused of being involved in carrying out physical abuse, but he died last year.

A fourth man, a lay teacher, was ­also ­interviewed but not charged.

A Police Scotland spokeswoman said: "We can confirm officers received a report in 2017 of historical sexual abuse on a 64-year-old man, which occurred in the 1960s at St Aloysius' School.


"Inquiries were carried out, however, there was insufficient evidence to report to the Crown Office and Procurator ­Fiscal Service."

St Aloysius' ­College said: "We feel deep sadness for all victims of abuse. We believe there is no excuse for any child to be subjected to harm.

"The college has clear and robust safeguarding ­procedures in place to protect the safety and wellbeing of our pupils."

A spokesman for the Jesuit order, which administers the school, said: "The Society of Jesus in ­Britain takes the issue of any kind of abuse of minors with great ­seriousness.


"We employ a ­safeguarding officer, answerable to an ­independent ­safeguarding ­commission.

"Any allegations received of abuse by Jesuits, ­current or ­historic, are referred directly to the ­safeguarding officer, who will collaborate fully with ­statutory authorities, ­including the police, in the ­investigation and, where appropriate, the prosecution of such cases."

Anonymous ID: 3fc980 March 3, 2019, 7:28 a.m. No.5481226   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1248

Trump said parents of Otto Warmbier ‘misinterpreted’ his message


President Donald Trump said what the parents of Otto Warmbier called his “lavish praise” of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un was “misinterpreted.”

“Of course I hold North Korea responsible for Otto’s mistreatment and death. Most important, Otto Warmbier will not have died in vain. Otto and his family have become a tremendous symbol of strong passion and strength, which will last for many years into the future. I love Otto and think of him often,” Trump said in a series of tweets on Friday.


The tweets were in response to a statement by Fred and Cindy Warmbier which said that Kim “and his evil regime are responsible for the death of our son Otto,” as well as “unimaginable cruelty and inhumanity. No excuses or lavish praise can change that.”


Trump met Kim in Hanoi, Vietnam, for talks on the lifting of sanctions from North Korea in exchange for its disarmament from nuclear weapons. The president quit the talks prematurely with no agreements.

White House adviser Kellyanne Conway said on Fox News on Friday that Trump “agrees with the Warmbier family and holds North Korea responsible for Otto Warmbier’s death.”

“What he said was that Chairman Kim says, what he believes Chairman Kim to have said, was that he was not aware of what had happened to Otto Warmbier when it happened,” she told Fox.


“Some really bad things happened to Otto — some really, really bad things,” Trump told reporters in Hanoi, “but [Kim] tells me that he didn’t know about it, and I will take him at his word.”

Warmbier was detained in a North Korean prison for over a year and died shortly after his return home to Cincinnati, Ohio, in June 2017 in a coma. He was 22. His doctors in the U.S. said he suffered extensive brain damage.