This should be our mission. One hashtag for one specific mission
If our mission is for an internet bill of rights, then that should be the hashtag
This should be our mission. One hashtag for one specific mission
If our mission is for an internet bill of rights, then that should be the hashtag
re read crumbs
up is down
left is right
AT&T isโฆ/ourguys/?
The companies seens as our friends [google, twitter facebook] are actually evil
the companies seens as evil [AT&T, boeing..] are actually /ourguys/?
or maybe they have no choice but to comply โฆ.
We need to show our might.
If youre not willing to do that, then I will fight for the both of us.
We do this not for us, but for the normies as well.
They have NO IDEA about the censorship going on
We use the platforms the normies are on
We use the platforms the MSM are on
We cant be ignorned.
just throwing ideas out there
and I truly feel Verizon is EVIL lol
Remember this is a twitter war
Use the hashtag #InternetBillOfRights
This is just like releasethememo
We tweet, and retweet other tweets from other people
it's how we get shit done
i'll expect hannity to talk about it within the next few days because this is how it worksโฆhe is our foot in the door to gaining public traction
we have learned the patterns how
I expect we will begin trending soon
This is taking off.
I never use that. I saved my own
Looking at another anons interpretation of Q posts is worse than watching the MSM in my opinion
No we dont need to fake our MIGHT
we have the NUMBERS
they do not. Hence, thats why they need bots
thats why they need to change algorithms to silence us
because everything about them is FAKE
everything about us is TRUE
See the difference?
Worst idea ive ever heard
Think we pulled it out of our asses?
Liberals will never agree with something we want
Even if we were demanding a CURE for fucking CANCER they would 'resist' because they are THAT fucking retarded.
they are a lost cause.
but yea..it should be digestible
nice and easy
how did it work out for them back then?
sheep to the slaughter?
looks that way
controlled opposition
sounds about right
Listen, they are under a spell right now. A spell that has put on them by the MSM
The MSM is the one who did this
The MSM is the ONLY one who can UNDO it.
It is the ONLY way. The MSM will eventually have to comply. They will.