Q, You and POTUS are my only hope for Germany. The EU is crushing the Europeans. It becomes an nightmare: an EUSSR.
Merkel must be exposed. Without your help, we are lost.
Yes, she is stupid and not a big player. She's only THE perfect puppet for the big players. She gre up in eastern Germany with her father leading a children's home.
Imagine her as a child: she surely had been told that she should be grateful and that the other children were worse off than her.
This is how she treats the Germans. Now the poor migrants are replacing her childhood trauma and she's now in a position to shut the Germans off, denying them their rights and telling them that the poor migrants are worse off than them.
Merkel is acting completely irresponsible: she decides to abolish nuclear power plants and doesn't care, where electricity now will come from. She doesn't care, who compensates the companies for the closing.
She invites all the migrants and doesn't care about their needs or the needs of the Germans. She's like a cat lady.
She doesn't care about democracy or freedom or freedom of speech.
She craves attention and fame.
This is nothing more than 'wishful thinking' from some people.
There is no proof for who Angela Merkel really is, other than her proven serfdom to her masters like Soros and other players.
What does Q tell you?
He tells the people here to be the CALM during the storm. Certainly for Q, for Trump and for the military the biggest concern is, people grabbing their arms and killing each other.
Regarding Germany: Only info about Merkel and the EU protagonists and the threat that the US could use their military bases to ensure democracy in Germany could help the German people to overcome the brainwashing, the silencing of opposition and the the censorship laws that has people brought people to jail for 'liking' the wrong joke on FB or twitter.
The EU (a small branch of the UN) is the cabal's project, their mini-NWO-fantasy.