You guys really need to understand antifa.
There is so much info there, I could write a book.
Study its history during WW11. Why it was formed against the nazis. How it off shooting and how it was taken over just like any organization.
Study Occupy. Especially Occupy Wall Street.
See how the name of Anonymous was USED.
What formed during Trayvon. Black Lives Matter. Who were the women. Where did Soros fit in.
Ground Zero. Ferguson. Baltimore a testing ground. Who were the main players. Who was DeRay McKesson and how much involvement did he have with Soros and Obama.
How was the black race used. Remember they were used. So was Law Enforcement. Remember ALL can be susceptible to MKUltra. SEE the division. Race Wars, religion, Law Enforcement, etc. Keep fighting each other fight fight fight.
During the protests, LOOK at who all was present. Look at the flags being flown. BLM, Palestine, LGBT, Mexico, etc. WHY?
They went to every single state. WHY? Recruitment. MKUltra was broadcasted. Who were the most susceptible?
Look at Soros organizations. See where they were placed. Find the BLM organizations and where they were placed. Stop blaming the black race for how they turned out!!!!!!! You know better!!!! See how they were controlled.
Where was the biggest mesmerizing done. Look at The Burning Man festival. Bring the ppl together into a filthy environment. No running water, bring you own food, if you run out well what you going to do. Keep you occupied, work work work, gotta get that project done. End with an burning effigy.
Trumps election. You saw the start of antifa. Where did they come from? Look at how they were formed with Black Lives Matter. Recruiting grounds. Soros.
Why was Darren Seals murdered? He was a cornerstone during Ferguson. Why did he flip? Watch this lady explain what went on during that time.
Take all those ppl. The most vile, the most controlled by MKUltra and form them together. Creation of the new Antifa. Soldiers on the ground. The most violent. Waiting….
I don't know if I can tell the whole story. I'm too damn sick and I still have somewhat of a life that I can't ignore.
There was no suck thing as Democrats or Republicans with the elites. You saw one side with Soros and Dems. You didn't see the other side. Remember he pays BOTH sides.