Do not underestimate the evil.
We have an immediate family member who was part of the military IC in the Obama Regime who had his career ended and remains blacklisted for any work in his field because of his refusal to forge documents and do some other very sketchy/illegal shit and refused to "apologize" for refusing to do illegal and sketchy shit.
Do as they commanded and you were compromised and they would turn up the heat to force you to do even more illegal unethical shit or defy them and not just be blacklisted, but be made an example of, made financially destitute, harassed endlessly and in the more extreme cases 187. No tiny cog was too small or too insignificant to not be made an example of as a warning to others.
Our entire family prays for GEOTUS and his family every day, that God continues to protect them and guide them in their work to restore liberty and to vanquish evil. We remain humbled that they would sacrifice so much for us and our children. When I go out I am always shocked by the level of venom and poison directed at GEOTUS by seemingly average people who believe the lies and propaganda of the swamp.
My relative loves GEOTUS and would give his life to defend and support him and respects the sacrifices he is making and the risks he is taking, for US.
He is still blacklisted and unemployable inside CONUS although his skills are valued by others. He would do anything to work for GEOTUS and support him. He has applied for over 100 usajobs but no work and only 3 interviews, even though it is work he is highly qualified for and has proven himself including a recent app for OPI I&A. How many 0202 earn a "V" for Valor? When tested, he proved to be a person of courage with unwavering loyalty and duty to our beloved Republic and freedom.
We must not let them win.
Semper Fi.