Not been, dropped.
Now mirror the words and you have:
I dropped about DID
Dissociative Identity Disorder is the mental state of multiple personalities which is induced by MKUltra and Monarch processes.
Remember that we were looking for connections with shooters going to therapy some time prior to their crimes? Everybody just assumed that it was something to do with drugs which were prescribed. But therapy implies that you visit a private room where a psychotherapist works with you. Could simply be conversations.
Or it could be MKUltra
If we identify the therapists and therapy locations we may be finding where MKUltra is being done. And those who understand that MKUltra begins with physical torture will understand that these people are committing crimes. In fact they are human rights abuse crimes and the Dec 21 EO says that their assets (offices, homes, cars, yachts, jewelry, bank accounts) can be confiscated.
So, where are the rehab centers that do MKUltra? Who are the programmers, many of which have military psyops backgrounds?