Well this is a certifiable load of shit. You realize you have no logic skills nor are you capable of using deduction. Get therapy or go back to school. Start with 2nd grade
Well this is a certifiable load of shit. You realize you have no logic skills nor are you capable of using deduction. Get therapy or go back to school. Start with 2nd grade
You really break my heart. It's alway's sad to see someone so dense and malfunctioning expressing those characteristic's and traits so blatently.
This is going to go over your head so I'm not concerned you will understand the blow just dealt to your pathetic existence or of the impact will have on you . This is for the other's in the room who are observing you similarly and to reassure them they need not feel guilty if one day you do something to harm yourself even more tradgically.
You being wired to self destruct and it's unlikely you could figure out how to take that finger of yours off the button even if your wanted to at this point