At least this ass clown shill realizes now that we are not fucking around. If you promote violence and riots on the board, you WILL be reported and banned.
Thanks BV
Thank you anon, that is my (you) from Q!
There is nothing wrong with guns. There is something wrong about promoting violence and riots with images of shotguns with the term MAGARIOTS. Thatโs why the faggot keeps getting reported and banned.
It was the Australian that implicated Papa. Hence Brennan trip to Australia. Keep that aspect of the story in the light. Brennan was just called out for taking the rat trap by going back to Australia, considering Papa has been very vocal lately about how things are about to come to light with the framing of him.
Here we go back to the BO and BV are comp'd narrative. Don't you faggots have anyone writing for your team or is it just keep using what worked once before?
Openlyadmitting shill, this one is a variation on the Concernfag and Q is a larpfag, yet still here shilling away, even if it is all just nonsense. Sweet life you have toiling away on a board you think is a lie. Quite the Sunday you got going there