Anonymous ID: 70fa7e March 3, 2019, 9:39 a.m. No.5482827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2834

Trump’s Campaign Team: Government Should Manage 5G Networks

Last year, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai called similar plans "a costly and counterproductive distraction."


Nationalized 5G?


Donald Trump’s 2020 reelection team is backing controversial plans to have the government manage 5G wireless networks in the U.S., Politico reports.

The plan is for the government to take specific frequencies in the 5G spectrum and sell them off wholesale to U.S. wireless providers.

That would also mean more access to rural Americans according to Trump’s team. “A 5G wholesale market would drive down costs and provide access to millions of Americans who are currently underserved,” Trump’s press secretary Kayleigh McEnany told Politico. “This is in line with President Trump’s agenda to benefit all Americans, regardless of geography.”


Earlier this year Trump voiced his support for rolling out 5G connectivity on Twitter. “I want 5G, and even 6G, technology in the United States as soon as possible,” Trump tweeted. “It is far more powerful, faster, and smarter than the current standard. American companies must step up their efforts, or get left behind.”


Attempt Number Two


A similar plan that leaked in 2018 suggested that the government should provide its own infrastructure and allow carriers to use it. A senior official at the time who spoke with Reuters stated, “We want to build a network so the Chinese can’t listen to your calls.”

But the plans immediately received pushback from the wireless industry. Even Trump’s own FCC chairman Ajit Pai called the idea of a nationalized 5G network “a costly and counterproductive distraction.”

How these newly revealed plans differ is still not one hundred percent clear. The idea is to open up wireless spectrums the Defense Department is currently using and partner with third party operators, Politico reports.


Trump campaign adviser Newt Gingrich pushed for a “public-private partnership” to “spur microelectronics manufacturing” and accelerate 5G rollout in a Newsweek op-ed.


But it will be a hard sell. The plan is unlikely to gain much traction — if previous attempts are anything to go by.

Anonymous ID: 70fa7e March 3, 2019, 10 a.m. No.5483054   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sanders says his campaign built to beat Trump

NEW YORK (AP) - The Latest on Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who is making a second run for the Democratic presidential nomination (all times local):


12:20 p.m.


Bernie Sanders is launching his second presidential campaign with a call for Americans from all walks of life to join his fight for a political revolution, one he's been waging for four decades.

Sanders is calling Donald Trump the most dangerous president in modern U.S. history, and the Vermont senator says his campaign is built to defeat Trump.

Sanders also says his Democratic campaign will create an economy and government that works for all people, and says the government will be based on economic, social, racial and environmental justice.

Sanders is speaking at an outdoor rally at Brooklyn College, where he went to college before transferring to the University of Chicago. He also grew up in Brooklyn. Supporters carrying signs lined up in the snow hours before he was set to speak.


6:20 a.m.


Bernie Sanders launched his 2016 presidential campaign from Vermont, the state he's represented in the Senate for nearly two decades.

But for his second White House run, he's trying to showcase more of his personal story. And that's why Brooklyn is his first stop. It's where he grew up as the son of a Jewish immigrant and lived in a rent-controlled apartment.


Sanders is aiming to connect his working-class childhood to his populist political views that have reshaped the Democratic Party.

Sanders joins the race as one of the best-known Democrats in a crowded field and in a political moment in which many Democrats have embraced elements of his agenda.


He's pushing "Medicare for all," a $15-an-hour minimum wage and tuition-free public colleges.