Anonymous ID: d0f8ef March 3, 2019, 10:44 a.m. No.5483564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3569 >>3616

US wants ‘broad’ regime-change coalition on Venezuela – Bolton


National Security Adviser John Bolton said that the United States will form “as broad a coalition” as possible to oust Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. Bolton went on to call for a “completely democratic hemisphere.”


“I’d like to see as broad a coalition as we can put together to replace Maduro, to replace the whole corrupt regime,” Bolton told CNN’s Jake Tapper on Sunday. “That’s what we’re trying to do.”


Within hours of Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido declaring himself interim president in January, the Donald Trump administration threw its support behind the self-declared leader. While several Latin American countries followed the US line, efforts to drum up international support against Maduro have thus far proven unsuccessful. A US resolution condemning Maduro and calling for fresh elections in Venezuela was defeated at a meeting of the United Nations Security Council last week, and Maduro remains in control.


Still, Bolton told Tapper that the US is not afraid to go it alone. “In this administration we’re not afraid to use the phrase ‘Monroe Doctrine,’” he said. “This is a country in our hemisphere and it’s been the objective of American presidents going back to Ronald Reagan to have a completely Democratic hemisphere.”


The ‘Monroe Doctrine’ was the name given to the US policy of opposing European influence in the Western hemisphere, outlined by President James Monroe in 1823. Since then it has been invoked by John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan to oppose the spread of Communism to Cuba, and drum up support for right-wing Contra rebels in Nicaragua.


Bolton is not the only hardliner in Washington to use similar language to describe the situation in Venezuela. Senate Armed Services Committee chair Jim Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) said last month that the US might have to invade Venezuela if Russia dares set up a military base there or “anywhere in our Hemisphere.”


Russia has not set up a base in Venezuela, nor does it have plans to. In the meantime the Trump administration has done everything to aid Guaido, but stopped short of military intervention. Nevertheless, US envoy Elliott Abrams - famed for his role running guns to the Contras in the early 1980s - told reporters on Friday that “all options are on the table.”


Guaido himself is currently in Colombia, and plans on returning to Venezuela on Monday. The opposition leader has called for massive anti-government protests to accompany his return.

Anonymous ID: d0f8ef March 3, 2019, 10:48 a.m. No.5483613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3620 >>3642 >>3718 >>3935

Full Retard


CNN analyst claims Trump’s speech sounded like HITLER's, but script was written by… PUTIN?!


A CNN analyst and adviser at the Biden Institute has showcased her unmatched skill to roll all in one by comparing Donald Trump to Hitler for using a turn of phrase once shouted by Joe Biden and at the same time written by Putin.


Offering her thoughts on the president’s speech at the 2019 Conservative Action Conference (CPAC), Sam Vinograd told her CNN colleagues that she was horrified that Trump had spoken about “reclaiming our nation’s priceless heritage.”


For Vinograd, this was clearly a message lifted straight from Mein Kampf.

Anonymous ID: d0f8ef March 3, 2019, 10:51 a.m. No.5483669   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bad Cops Furious After Judge Orders Records of Problem Police Officers to Be Unsealed


Police unions have been fighting tooth and nail to keep records of their misconduct sealed from the public's view, but all that just changed.


LOS ANGELES (CN) – A judge in Southern California lifted a temporary seal on Orange County police misconduct records Thursday, striking another blow to police unions who’ve argued in courts across the state that unsealing the records violates officers’ constitutional rights to privacy.


The new California law opens up access to previously shielded internal records on police shootings, complaints of sexual assault by officers and internal records on police misconduct.


Attorneys for the Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs sought to stop the release of records, arguing in court papers that state lawmakers were unclear whether they intended for the law – which took effect on Jan. 1 – to apply to all records, including those that cover past incidents.


But Orange County Superior Court Judge Nathan Scott denied the union’s request for a preliminary injunction, saying in a 10-page order Thursday that the temporary restraining order he approved will be lifted on March 15 in a timeline that allows the union to appeal the ruling if they choose.


An attorney for the union did not respond to a request for comment on Thursday.


Scott dismissed the union’s argument that officers’ privacy protections were at risk, saying in the order that the disclosure of misconduct records was a matter of public interest and that it is “unknown whether any released information will actually harm the officer.”


The order also said the county, which had maintained a neutral stance in the matter, was not doing what the union sought to stop: satisfying public records request under the law.


“There is no point issuing an injunction to stop the County from doing something it has not yet done, is not now doing, and does not immediately intend to do,” the order said, adding that any injunction would have been unlawfully preemptive.


The proper course of legal action would be initiated by someone requesting records from the county, the order said. If the county denies the request, the requester could seek a court order requiring production of the records.


“Any individual officer affected by the disclosure could then intervene in that action,” Scott wrote in the order. “That’s not this case.”


Scott also disagreed with the union’s argument that the Legislature failed to unambiguously state that the law applies to all records.


“Nothing in the plain language of the statute suggests the Legislature intended to exclude records relating to pre-2019 incidents,” the order said.


The union was ordered to post a $50,000 bond to maintain the restraining order until March 15, which came at the request of media organizations, who Scott allowed to intervene in the case during a Feb. 7 hearing.


A status conference is set for March 14.

Anonymous ID: d0f8ef March 3, 2019, 10:55 a.m. No.5483779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3954 >>4085 >>4239

Dramatic VIDEO shows man being shot in face during Yellow Vest rallies in Paris


The horrid moment when a man was hit in the face during Yellow Vest rallies in Paris was caught on camera, with witnesses saying the projectile was fired from a riot gun – a controversial weapon used by the French police.


The video, apparently captured using a mobile phone camera, shows protesters trying to evade projectiles being fired by police near the iconic Arc de Triomphe. Seconds later, a man can be seen lying on the ground as first responders rush to help him.


It is unclear whether the injury was life threatening. Witnesses said the victim was hit by a so-called defensive bullet launcher, a weapon blamed for dozens of injuries to anti-government Yellow Vest protesters in recent weeks, according to RT France.


WARNING! The video contains images that you may find upsetting.


The weapon fires 40mm rubber projectiles, officially considered non-lethal. It was developed by a French firm as an alternative to other, more damaging tools like rubber bullets or batons.


Police later said that the injured man was taken to a hospital by emergency services. Investigators will now look into the incident in a bid to establish who was responsible.

Anonymous ID: d0f8ef March 3, 2019, 10:58 a.m. No.5483862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3954 >>4085 >>4239

Keep Digging! Clinton Wants Congress To Pursue Russia Collusion, Even If Mueller Comes Up Empty


Failed 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton doesn't want Congress to give up on pursuing evidence of President Donald Trump colluding with Russian officials to impact the 2016 elections, even if Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report comes up empty.


In a podcast with former Daily Beast chief Tina Brown recorded earlier this week, Clinton was clear in delivering her marching orders to the Democratic Congress: keep digging.


“There is enough grounds in what has already been made public for the government, for Congress in particular, to be doing more with it,” Clinton said. “And I’m pleased that under Speaker Pelosi, the Democrats are beginning to hold hearings and try to connect some of these dots.”


She doubled down on her dismay at the Democrats' annual Selma Unity Breakfast Sunday morning, telling a rapt audience that, "We are living through a full-fledged crisis in our democracy," and that we are living through a time when "racist and white supremacist views are lifted up in the media and the White House."


Other attendees of the breakfast repeated Clinton's claims of having the election "stolen" from her by overzealous FBI agents and Russian hackers.


There's some clear fear here: Clinton's team was pushing the "Russian collusion" narrative within 24 hours after the election, even though it was clear Trump won a commanding victory in the Electoral College, even if she narrowly won the popular vote.


But Special Counsel Robert Mueller's official investigation into the matter appears to be coming to a close — an Amazon placeholder for the report itself says the publication date is "March 26," and DOJ officials have been trumpeting the report's release for a few weeks now — and it does not appear, at least from the subpoenas issued and the charges filed, that Mueller has found much in the way of actual collusion.


Trump associates Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, and Roger Stone, all of whom have been indicted, were charged with crimes that took place well before the campaign, or had nothing to do with any actual communication between the Trump campaign and Russian officials about influencing the election's outcome — and none of the charges involve President Donald Trump, or implicate the President in any wrongdoing.


Clinton seems more than a little disappointed by that development. Her last best hope is to direct Democrats, who now control the House, to keep the narrative afloat well past its point of expiration.


Fortunately, the Democrats are more than happy to comply with Clinton's edict. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), and others have opened multiple investigations into both President Donald Trump and the Trump Administration. At least 20 individuals and corporations have already received Congressional subpoenas, demanding that they appear before Congress to answer questions about Trump's finances, his business dealings, his connections to Russia, his personal habits, and his tax returns.

Anonymous ID: d0f8ef March 3, 2019, 11 a.m. No.5483912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3954 >>4085 >>4239

SBC Executive Committee Member Resigns After Outrage Over ‘Clearing’ Churches Facing Abuse Allegations



Ken Alford resigned as chairman of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) executive committee’s bylaws workgroup on Friday amid public outcry over the group’s determination that six of the 10 churches facing abuse allegations required no further inquiry.

Alford said the group’s task of judging the churches was impossible, as his group had no investigative authority, was forced to rely only on information volunteered by the SBC president, and therefore did not conduct any investigation into the churches.

Alford said he hoped his resignation would foster change within the SBC, but others say only an overhaul of the SBC’s culture will do that.


The chairman of the Southern Baptist Convention workgroup tasked with investigating churches facing abuse allegations resigned Friday, saying his group has no investigative authority.


Ken Alford announced his resignation as chairman of the SBC executive committee’s bylaws workgroup on Saturday evening in the wake of public outcry over his workgroup’s seemingly hasty decision to “clear” six of the 10 churches that SBC President J.D. Greear tasked the group with investigating. Alford claimed, however, that the SBC did not give the bylaws workgroup any investigative authority, forcing the group to rely on information provided solely by Greear to determine whether the churches “evidenced indifference in addressing sexual abuse.”


Alford also asserted that the task of investigating and determining whether those churches and any others facing allegations of abuse were in cooperation with the SBC was far beyond the capability of the bylaws workgroup which is comprised of “three pastors, a president of a Bible college, a church accompanist, an attorney, a dentist, and a dental hygienist who is the WMU [Women’s Missionary Union] National President,” according to Alford.


“What should be obvious is that the task of conducting extensive investigations of churches is an assignment far beyond the capability of our small Bylaws Workgroup,” Alford said in a statement provided to The Daily Caller News Foundation. “Beyond that fact, however, is the reality that neither the Bylaws Workgroup nor the Executive Committee has any investigative authority given to it by the SBC.”


Greear demanded in his February 18 address to the SBC’s executive committee that they scrutinize ten specific churches “and any other churches that receive similar allegations,” of abuse.


“I urge the bylaws workgroup of the administrative committee to take the necessary steps to determine whether the following churches meet the standards of having a faith and practice which closely identifies with the Convention’s adopted statement of faith as outlined in Article 3 of the SBC Constitution,” Greear said.

Anonymous ID: d0f8ef March 3, 2019, 11:02 a.m. No.5483960   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4014

Swedish policeman rants about ‘scared and confused’ migrant boys with guns in bizarre video message


A video with the title “It has gone too far” by the police in the Swedish no-go zone Rinkeby/Järva has been viewed over 1.8 million times in the past few days.

Unfortunately it’s not because the police finally have said something based and accurate. On the contrary – it’s extra everything of the same nonsense as usual.

The reason they made the video is because two “boys” in the multi-cultural zone were trying to shoplift pastries at a local grocery store – and pulled out guns when they got caught.

In the 2 minutes long video a police officer says one bizarre thing after another.

At first he calls the thieves “young men”, then he corrects himself and calls them “young boys” instead.

Then he asks, one may assume, the migrants in Järva to report illegal weapons because a person who possesses such a weapon “lives in danger”.

After that, the cavalcade of rubbish, reminiscent of the Left’s favorite declarations, continues:

“The boys are completely lost in their relationships with each other, in the macho culture and in their own fears.”

“The police are putting enormous resources and tremendous effort into managing the boys’ inability in their relations, and in the conflicts that it results in.”

“The police can’t do more, in order to obtain ceasefire, everyone must help.”

“If you know someone who possesses weapons, you need to speak up for the community’s and for that person’s sake.”

“We need to get the guns off our streets. For real.”

“2 years in prison is better than forever in a coffin,” he concludes.

The focus is, as always, on the poor criminal migrants. The message is that they are scared and lost.

Where have we heard that before?

Well, pretty much everywhere in the past 40 years when social workers have been out fighting gangs and crime.

It is defeatism, weakness and more of the same old useless actions and explanatory models that put the country in the situation where it is today.

Last he tells people to “keep things civil in the comment section”.

Because, God save us from a bad atmosphere!

99 percent of the 1.800+ comments are written by Swedes. Which means that the people the video message was aimed at either haven’t seen it or don’t care.

Perhaps broadcasting the video on a jumbotron in the affected area, instead of on Facebook, would have been a better idea? It would be a waste of time, most likely. But still, better – and fairer.

Anonymous ID: d0f8ef March 3, 2019, 11:04 a.m. No.5484004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4096 >>4199 >>4239 >>4291

Full retard


Schiff: There Is Already ‘Direct Evidence’ of Collusion by Trump Campaign


Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said there was “direct evidence” that Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign colluded with Russia.


Partial transcript as follows:


MARGARET BRENNAN: Cohen said though in that open testimony, he had no direct evidence of collusion with Russia. The Senate Intel chairman also said at this point no evidence of collusion at this point. Have you seen– do you have direct evidence of collusion with Russia?


REP. SCHIFF: Well I think there is direct evidence in the e-mails from the Russians through their intermediary offering dirt on Hillary Clinton as part of what is described in writing as the Russian government effort to help elect Donald Trump. They offer that dirt. There is an acceptance of that offer in writing from the president’s son Don Jr. and there is overt acts in furtherance of that. That is the meeting at Trump Tower and all the lies to cover up that meeting at the Trump Tower and apparently lies that the president participated in. That to me is direct evidence but there’s also abundant circumstantial evidence. There is for example evidence of Manafort sharing internal polling data with someone linked to the Russian intelligence services.




REP. SCHIFF: Why do that? What legitimate purpose is there for things like that? Michael Cohen’s own testimony was circumstantial evidence that the president was dealing with Roger Stone who is dealing with WikiLeaks and effort to–


MARGARET BRENNAN: But none of this–


REP. SCHIFF: Find out about–




REP. SCHIFF: Releases of information.


MARGARET BRENNAN: Impeachment grounds for you still. I mean these are serious allegations.


REP. SCHIFF: Well I mean here’s the thing and I’ve made this- I made this distinction all along and that is while there is abundant evidence of collusion, the issue from a criminal point of view is whether there is proof beyond a reasonable doubt of a criminal conspiracy. And that is something that we will have to await Bob Mueller’s report and the underlying evidence to determine. We will also have to look at the whole body of improper and criminal actions by the president including those campaign finance crimes to determine whether they rise to the level of removal from office. I have said that I think we should await the evidence from Bob Mueller as well as our own work. And I’m pleased to see that Mr. Nunez who and I- he and I have profound disagreements about many things are in agreement on one thing the report and the evidence needs to be provided to Congress. I think that also needs to be made public.

Anonymous ID: d0f8ef March 3, 2019, 11:07 a.m. No.5484075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4277

There Will Never Be Brexit While Theresa May Is Prime Minister


To save Brexit, Theresa May must resign as Prime Minister.


To save the Conservative party, Theresa May must resign as Prime Minister.


To save Britain, Theresa May must resign as Prime Minister.


Everyone understands this. It’s the simple solution to all our problems. But there’s just one wrinkle in the ointment. Can you guess what it is?


Theresa May does not want to resign as Prime Minister.


But really at this stage it’s our only hope. Over the next few days, Britain is in danger of signing what future historians will surely recognise as the worst deal in history.


The “deal” — as was always the intention of the European Union’s chief negotiator Michel Barnier — is so bad that most of the people who voted Leave will wish they had never bothered because, amazingly, it will actually leave Britain worse off than if it had remained a member of the EU.


That’s certainly the view of Daniel Hannan — Member of the European Parlaiment, co-founder of the European Research Group, and one of the architects of Brexit — in a must-read column in the Sunday Telegraph.


Hannan argues that Brexit voters are being sold a pup. And are being treated like idiots by the Remain establishment:


We keep being told that unreasonable Eurosceptics are their own worst enemies and that, if Brexit is now thwarted, it will somehow be their fault. But it is hard to think of a more unreasonable proposition than that all that matters is coming back with something that can technically be termed Brexit. Even after 30 months, Leavers are still being subtly patronised. It is assumed that the dim-witted oafs cannot possibly have weighed the costs and benefits before voting, and that all that the government needs to do is to show them something that has BREXIT written on it in bright, shiny letters.


In fact, Leave voters understand that some forms of Brexit are better than others. They understand, too, that some are so bad that they would be worse than either staying or leaving. The EU, of course, has understood this from the start. As Michel Barnier put it in 2016, “I’ll have done my job if, in the end, the exit terms are so bad that the British would rather stay in the EU”. Such an attitude on the part of Brussels was to be expected. The readiness of our negotiators to go along with it was not.


Coming from Hannan, this is quite something. He has long been a voice of moderation in the Brexit debate: pro-Brexit, obviously, but not nearly so gung-ho as some of us.


Now here he is out-Brexiting even Jacob Rees-Mogg (who is in danger of looking like a bit of a squish) and the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP).


And when a doggedly reasonable diplomat like Hannan starts talking in this way we should sit up and pay attention: Theresa May’s deal is so awful, he says, that “no self-respecting country” would accept it. Therefore Brexit MPs must screw their courage to the sticking-place — and vote it down.


If this means delaying Brexit so be it:


A postponement, undesirable as it is, is less damaging than accepting permanently disadvantageous terms.


As Lord King, the former Bank of England Governor, put it: “There are arguments for remaining in the EU and arguments for leaving. But there is no case whatever for giving up the benefits of remaining without obtaining the benefits of leaving.”