Anonymous ID: 3970b2 March 3, 2019, 11:45 a.m. No.5484818   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ok y’all, Seems AOC & a few other new dem-wits came from a casting call that her brother answered from Justice Democrats while she was working in a restaurant?No wonder she sounds like an idiot who knows nothing about politics,economics or really anything!So,who wrote her green deal script?


Justice Democrats might deserve a writing credit as well as casting, etc. It seems to encompass what their platform states in the about section of their website. Maybe the author is tied to the organization, which has radical founders. Time to look at writing styles perhaps?


If you want to know where this Green New Deal came from,go to the “about” page of Justice Democrats,who take credit for getting AOC,Rashida Tlaib,Ayanna Pressly,Illhan Omar, and 3 other radical Leftists elected (casted),it’s LITERALLY their stated platform under platform..


Who launched Justice Democrats?

On Jan 23, 2017, Cenk Uygur & Kyle Kulinski founded Justice Democrats with 10 others,including former staffers from the Sanders campaign such as its Director of Organizing Technology,Saikat Chakrabarti, fundraiser Zack Exley


At the exact same time Justice Democrats was being formed,David Brock & George Soros were laying out their 4 yr plan with Google,Facebook,Twitter,Big Tech,& the MSM to take down Donald Trump and target Conservatives & Republicans for big bucks Dem Donors.


We have a glimpse at the playbill, now it’s time to credit the rest of the cast but more importantly, the crew like the producers, exec producers, associate producers, director, etc. from pre-production to post production, including promotion & distribution of each unit!


Q couldn’t have said it more clearly: Enjoy the Show, You’re watching a movie, What makes a good movie? Great actors, There’s more good actors than bad, etc. along with the close association between HWood & DC!