Anonymous ID: 0fac4c March 3, 2019, 12:06 p.m. No.5485192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5521 >>5606 >>5699 >>5789

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 188b95 No.5484459 📁

Mar 3 2019 14:27:22 (EST) NEW


>Why have there been no arrests?

Judiciary still not cleaned enough.

>Why have 'specific' dates been mentioned only to see no action?

Disinfo is necessary to throw off Enemy.

>Define 'game theory'.

"The study of mathematical models of conflict and cooperation between intelligent rational decision-makers." Our gain is (((their))) loss.

>Why must disinformation be provided?

See above

>Define 'open source'.

Available to everyone, freely distributed

>Define 'public purview'.

purview- range of sight or understanding

>Do we let our enemies walk through the front door?

No, we sneak up on them or set a trap.

>Define 'plausible deniability'.

the ability of people to deny knowledge of or responsibility for any damnable actions committed by others in an organizational hierarchy because of a lack of evidence that can confirm their participation

>Why was it important to FIRST clean house within the FBI & DOJ (public info)?

Too many working against patriots/Potus' objectives.

>Why was it important to FIRST clean house within other ABC agencies (non_public info)?

Same as above

>What are the duties of the FBI?

Investigate Federal crimes

>What are the duties of the DOJ?

Prosecute Federal crimes

>When does MIL INTEL have jurisdiction?

Times of war / Potus discretion if foreign intervention

>What vested powers does POTUS have re: MIL INTEL vs. ABC agencies re: matters of NAT SEC (HOMELAND)?

Full Control in case of Nat'l Emerg.

>Think 'umbrella surv'.

Includes F&D bad actors

>What agency does the FBI report to?


>What is the role of the AG?

Oversee DOJ prosecutions/investigations

>Does the AG oversee the firing of FBI & DOJ senior/mid/lower staff?

Senior - Yes, others ????

>How many FBI & DOJ were FIRED/FORCED?

more than 30

>Does 'Russia' recusal prevent/block AG from this responsibility?


>What time period did this occur?


>Who appointed and tasked HUBER?


>Who appointed and tasked the OIG?


>Who was AG?


>[zero leaks - none]

>Transfer from AG1 to AG2?

Sessions - Barr

>Why might that be important?

Optics re: conflict of interest

>How do you avoid 'politically motivated/attack - obstruction - attempt to block/obstruct Mueller'?

bring in an outsider - hands clean.

>Optics are important.

>When are optics not important?

When person under the scope is Temp

>Think Whitaker.

>Define 'stage set'.

Pieces lined up, things prepped.

>Who recently walked 'on stage' to take command?


>What 'stage' experience did this person have?

Former US AG + knows a lot of long time players.

>Think Bill Clinton impeachment.

>Has the 'stage' been cleaned & cleared for the next performance?


>If the 'stage' is clean, can the performance begin?


>How might 'transparency' [DECLAS] fit into the dialogue?

Final exposure of bad actors / control of media narrative.

>Define 'thesis' statement.

tells the reader what to expect from the rest of the 'story'

>What benefit(s) does this provide BARR?

Gives him a full heads up on the crooked players / game

>"This is not simply another four-year election. This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not we, the people, reclaim control over our government." - POTUS

>Logical thinking.

In short supply, lately. kek
