With all due respect to you, anon, Rand is what commies call 'useful idiot'. We all get the muh separation of powers/purse thing, but when you exempt yourself for taking positions within a context, that's just dumb virtue signaling. Rand spent many years in DC watching a rogue executive create laws out of thin air and arrogate executive privilege to not enforce laws it didn't like. And now, when those fuckers barely hold the House and behave like they fucking own the three branches of gov, Rand sticks to muh principles. That's being a subservient victim to assymetric warfare, granting your adversaries leeway while they, in every position of power, seek to destroy you by any means (even ilegally, in their case) available. Rand behaves like he is just a member of a country club, deciding on the redecoration of the trophy room with people with mere opposing views. If he doesn't get the gravity of the situation and the kind of opposition leftists are (have he forgotten he was twice attacked since '16 elections by lunatics?), he's not worthy of the battle. I mean no disrespect to you and hope you understand.