>Reading the comments on these Tweets further demonstrates the seriousness of media brainwashing in our Country whereby statements are considered fact w/o the need to provide proof.
>Control of the Narrative.
>If enough people state the same thing w/o providing evidence and/or support does it become FACTUAL to those caught in the loop?
YES. We saw this play out before in the Trayvon Martin case. The narrative was created and pushed out into the mainstream before any facts/evidence had been compiled. The railroading of George Zimmerman as a sacrifice to the ideological Prog Gods became known as the "Orange Blossom Express" train straight to a death sentence in prison, do not pass Go, do not collect $200. The admin crew at the Conservative Treehouse were the leaders in managing crowd sourcing of evidence, showing how videos were faked and released, the whole stinking mess of corruption of Natalie Jackson, Benjamin Crump, the Obama/Holder DOJ "Community Relations Division" which FUNDED race-baiting opposition to whip up hysteria.
The team at CTH dealt with threats, a car being set on fire, a mysterious illegal foreclosure on a home, hacking of their computers, etc.
When the trial of GZ finally was televised it was obvious the prosecution was all lies but it didn't matter to the hard core.
AND STILL TO THIS DAY there are people who believe GZ stalked and killed innocent lil TM simply because he was a black teen buying Skittles and Tea.
DISGUSTING - yet proof that many will NEVER wake up. Why do the Progtards keep doing it? Because it works, obviously. YOU "Wake Up" please. TY.