Anonymous ID: 6bcdfe March 3, 2019, 4:40 p.m. No.5490596   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Entertainment is not just entertainment, it is adult education, consumer conditioning and social engineering. It is the principal mechanism employed by nation states to reliably influence social behavior.

The content of entertainment exerts significant, predictable effects on human behavior and belief systems and over the course and direction of future scientific, economic and moral evolution.


Entertainment directs popular attention, lends support to or selectively subverts social issues, fosters unity or division and incrementally enhances or gradually constricts collective cognitive capacity.


The Princeton psychologist Hadley Cantril was central to development of the science of propaganda:


Hadley Cantril was Nelson Rockefeller's roommate at Dartmouth in the 1920's and his 1935 doctorate was on "The Psychology of Radio". Here's a quote from it: “Radio is an altogether novel medium of communication, preeminent as a means of social control and epochal in its influence upon the mental horizons of men.”

Cantril joined Princeton in 1936 and became president of the "Institute for Propaganda Analysis" and founding editor in 1938 of the Rockefeller Foundation-funded "Public Opinion Quarterly" which was associated with the US government's psychological warfare efforts after World War II. He became chairman of the Princeton Psychology department. The Rockefeller Foundation gave him a $67K grant to form the "Princeton Radio Project".


The official story is that the October 30, 1938 radio broadcast of H.G. Wells' "War of the Worlds" just happened to occur outside of Princeton and Cantril and associates took the opportunity to do an extensive study of people's responses and to write a book and do studies on the event. At the time, it was the largest mass persuasion event in human history.


In 1940 Cantril wrote "The Invasion From Mars: A Study in the Psychology of Panic". The Rockefeller Foundation was especially interested in manipulating public opinion during wartime. Their 1939 report said: “The war in Europe has given this country an unusual opportunity for studying the development of public opinion, the changes which opinion undergoes under varying conditions, and the reasons for change.”


and that the project:


"would supply essential facts on the formation and trend of opinion from peace to war time and from one stage to another under the force of successive war crises. It is expected that further analysis of the data will demonstrate the influence of such factors as family relationship, educational experience, and occupation; the group origins of reported intensity of opinion or apparent lack of it on many issues"


They helped guide American public opinion as America joined World War II in 1941. Rockefeller was moving their banking and oil interests into South America and were excited about using the new "soft power" of psychological operations to monitor and shape public opinion there. They funded Cantril and George Gallup to create "American Social Surveys" to assess public opinion in South

America. They did the same in the US. and Roosevelt used Cantril's findings to craft his speeches during the war. They also did projects with the Psychological Warfare Branch of Military Intelligence in North Africa, the Department of State on US attitudes toward foreign affairs, and the Office of Strategic Services on German public opinion. Over time, the Rockefellers especially but many other groups funded ever more sophisticated public opinion monitoring and manipulation techniques and used them for both business and politics.


The War of the Worlds (radio drama)

That event seems to now be understood on at least 5 levels and was related to the study of propaganda for business and to get the US into World War II:

  1. Dramatic Orson Welles radio show intended to move an audience

  2. Rockefeller funded Princeton study to see how influenced a population could be by an emotionally powerful media

  3. The real manipulation was to test whether people would believe that others would believe the performance was real and become hysterical. Early investigation into shifting a population's beliefs about other people!

  4. Denial of the panic as "fake news" and a "naturally arising" myth

  5. Claim that newspaper stories created the myth because "radio was a threat to newspapers" and they wanted to discredit it.

Anonymous ID: 6bcdfe March 3, 2019, 4:43 p.m. No.5490643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0670 >>0693

Information War, Non-Linear War, or as the Chinese call it Unrestricted War, is a perpetual conflict between nations and sovereign actors which employs every available means; economic, political, technological, to defeat an opponent. PLA Colonels Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui noted in “Unrestricted Warfare,” a study published in China in 1999: “As the arena of war has expanded, encompassing the political, diplomatic cultural and psychological spheres, in addition to the land, sea, air space and electronics spheres the interactions among all factors have made it difficult for the military sphere to serve as the automatic dominant sphere in every war.’


In addition to overt content, news and entertainment contain implicit values, our unvoiced fears and unspoken hopes for the future. The potency of tactics employed in IO has been amplified by technological evolution which created enormous tightly networked populations and made increasing amounts of personal data available permitting individuals and groups to be precisely targeted with messaging engineered to exploit their belief systems.

Anonymous ID: 6bcdfe March 3, 2019, 4:44 p.m. No.5490695   🗄️.is 🔗kun

[Note: From late 1959 to early 1962, Henry Murray at Harvard was responsible for experiments that have come widely to be considered unethical, in which he used twenty-two Harvard undergraduates as research subjects.[4] Among other goals, experiments sought to measure individuals' responses to extreme stress. The unwitting undergraduates were submitted to what Murray called "vehement, sweeping and personally abusive" attacks. Specifically-tailored assaults to their egos, cherished ideas and beliefs were used to cause high levels of stress and distress. The subjects then viewed recorded footage of their reactions to this verbal abuse repeatedly.

Among them was 17-year-old Ted Kaczynski, a mathematician who went on to become the Unabomber, a domestic terrorist targeting academics and technologists for 18 years.[5] Alston Chase's book Harvard and the Unabomber: The Education of an American Terrorist connects Kaczynski's abusive experiences under Murray to his later criminal career.[5]

In 1960, Timothy Leary started research in psychedelic drugs at Harvard, which Murray is said to have supervised. [6]] ] Murray's experiments were part of, or indemnified by, the US Government's research into mind control known as the MK ULTRA project


Since the days of Key and Cantril and Murray, fMRI and ingenious experiments by behavioral economists like Daniel Kahneman, Dan Ariely and many others have confirmed in a multitude of ways that habits, hunches, and conditioned responses is responsible for almost all non-formal human decision making. Even complex, procedural logic driven human decision-making has an intuitive component, which anyone involved with the advertising, market research or media content production knows. For this reason, tactics and technologies which reliably influence the unconscious component of mind are highly developed. National, regional and local media are freighted with sounds, symbols and images, unperceived messages targeting consumers' unconscious, to be retained and held in memory to influence future decision-making.

Anonymous ID: 6bcdfe March 3, 2019, 4:46 p.m. No.5490756   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I am satan's shill. I believe nothing, I will say anything. I have no values, friends or family I will not sell into bondage forever for food and for feathers. Dollars will buy me. What can not spend I will burn in an ashtray or shove up my ass but I must have dollars. Give me specie. I am satan's shill. I demoralize myself. When I finish the blow I take five xanax footballs and pass out on rental furniture. Asleep, I dream I'm awake. I am satan's shill. My stridulations are filtered. My mockery, my despair, my anguish, like my coming and my going, pass ever unnoticed. I am satan's shill. One day I will vanish like the knot in a shoelace. I am satan's shill. A petty criminal, a peeping Tom, a canvas for others tattoos, a repeater, an NPC.

Anonymous ID: 6bcdfe March 3, 2019, 4:47 p.m. No.5490792   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Advertising supported media viewers are not citizens whom broadcasters compete to inform but consumer victims to be coerced and manipulated. Advertising supported legacy media is not a passive partner in subversion - they are the "experts" in subliminal influence – and they are planners and profit participants in the exploitation, deception and social engineering and now the principal architects of the psychological attack intended to destroy America. Media has been doing this ever since advertising supported media was born.


Karl Kraus the Viennese satirist, documented the advertising supported media’s role in fomenting the incompetent and disastrous charade of WW I. One of Kraus’s recent translators, Michael Russell, summarizes, “Kraus saw a powerful influential press in Vienna becoming ever more mendacious, manipulative, corrupt and self-serving, forming ever stronger ties with the aristocratic, industrial, financial and above all political elites of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and later, after the war, with the struggling democracy of a new Austria.”


Kraus recognized as did many that the media was an apocalyptic threat, creating a false reality, one which it was impossible to reject publicly without being considered a fool or a mad man. Since Kraus’s day the advertising-media superorganism has developed technologically and consolidated economically until six companies today enjoy near total control over all human communication.

Anonymous ID: 6bcdfe March 3, 2019, 4:49 p.m. No.5490841   🗄️.is 🔗kun

99% everything we learn about the world comes to us today through a screen. This has created an extended perceptual loop, information we receive about the world via a screen is treated the same way that information about the world which we receive via our senses - it is trusted.


Kraus knew, again, as many people did, that the first world war was started for profit and that the advertising supported media complex - newspapers and magazines in that day - were not passive agents reporting this, but active partners in fomenting and initiating the war and provoking public fear and hatred and palpably fraudulent patriotism necessary to support it. The media participated directly in the profits reaped by their advertisers; bankers, arms makers and suppliers of goods and services.


Advertising supported media organizations prospered so greatly from the first, mass mechanized, slaughter of civilian populations in the history of warfare, that they’ve been at it ever since. Six companies today exert near total control over the entirety of human mass communication.


As they danced, they sang: "Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands."

Anonymous ID: 6bcdfe March 3, 2019, 4:52 p.m. No.5490929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0963

Some writers use “subconscious” referring to the unconscious component of mind. The term has the advantage of familiarity but erroneously implies hierarchical subordination of “sub” conscious to conscious mind. The unconscious mind is what lies on the other side of the shifting perceptual border dividing what we know we know from what we think we know.


The unconscious is the repository of enduring belief systems, cultural values, predispositions attitude and basic assumptions. By comparison opinions are consciously available, transitory and superficial. Behavioral economists and Nobel laureate Danial Kahneman, and Dan Airley have both written bestselling books characterizing the nature of the unconscious component of mind sufficiently well to establish that it plays the dominant role in all our non-formal decision making.


The unconscious component of our mind can be and has been conditioned to respond emotionally to consumer commodity products. As Key, in the 1980s said, “Subliminal embedding can make celebrities, models, automobiles, food products, politicians or scapegoats or any other merchandise more attractive, exciting, flavorful and appealing. Modern media usually avoid confronting the audience with factual realities at the level of conscious perception. Fantasies are far more engaging than unembellished perceptions.”


The use of an array of tactics to baffle the perception in conflict is not new, nor is the strategy confined to the human species. Predators who exploit the perceptual deficiencies of prey are common in nature. As human hunters wear camouflage, spread scents and simulate game calls to imitate prey animals, Paussid beetles forge chemical signals, blinding ant species they prey on to their presence among them in the nest. A famous human group employed similar tactics. Hasan ibn Sabah’s Assassins. Sabah allegedly learned his art of mind control from priests of the mysteries in Egypt, but whatever the original the Assassins used hypnotic induction, symbolism, stage magic and drugs create a belief system which insured 100 % loyalty and instant compliance with leader’s instructions.


Nation state rulers have great difficulty securing large numbers of people willing to die on command. Hasan al Sabah’s Assassins prospered for 300 years and spread their agents through the middle east. When the Assassin’s fortress at Alamut (in what is now Iran) was captured by the Mongols, the tens of thousands of adherents to the cult did not leave the extortion business but reconstituted under new leadership and continued under a new name – the Ismailis. The Assassins are known to have shared their tactics and MK technology with other groups who shared their antinomian beliefs.


Whatever the history of development. groups today employing the Assassin’s mind control tactics command close to 100% loyalty and instant compliance with leaders’ instructions. Most nation state intelligence agencies, major religious sects, cults and "secret societies" obtained the MK technology and have worked diligently to improve it. MK is abbreviated from CIAs notorious MK Ultra program, very incompletely disclosed in 1977.


Assassins tactics employed on individuals or small groups are called “trauma-based” mind control because they incorporate physical or emotional (real or imagined) trauma as an instructional aid. In the public space, legacy media uses images and subliminal embedding to deliver trauma inducting content below the perceptual threshold in both advertising and “entertainment” media content. They also employ use trauma in a hypnotic technique called mass shock induction in the wake of national tragedies to secure support for otherwise inconceivably unpopular legislation - like the patriot act.

Human beings are highly suggestible, extremely imitative and profoundly irrational. “What appears conscious, logical and reasonable has little persuasive significance.” Deceptions propagated by media, accumulate. When residual lies are formulated as social dogma, and represented forcefully by media as orthodox reality, we must wholly accept, as good citizens, or entirely reject lies, as immoral fools, traitors, and lunatics do. Russell says, “In May 1926 Kraus responded to agitation for Anschluss, annexation by Germany, declaring that “the hypnotic power of newsprint was creating a “counterfeit reality” in which “nothing is real except for the lies.”

Anonymous ID: 6bcdfe March 3, 2019, 4:56 p.m. No.5491044   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Perception, not the labels used to describe the nonverbal perceptual process, cannot be divided into simplistic categories such as conscious (cognitive) and unconscious (subliminal).


Conscious and unconscious must be viewed as approximate overlapping states to be viewed on a scale of more-or-less, rather than either or.


Perception as it affects the brain and body is totally integrated. All portions of the brain interconnect with all parts of the body. Body and conscious and unconscious mind are inextricable and “programmed from infancy with basic assumptions, unconsciously supported ideas are usually taken for granted.”


The only way to inhibit the function of overt disinformation and covert control tactics is to expose them. NSA, US Military intelligence and allies and partners worldwide are doing this now. Whatever the ultimate extent of the public revelations, the existing damage is real, and remedial measures are required to initiate recovery with the objective of restoring function and educating the public about our collective cognitive vulnerability.

Anonymous ID: 6bcdfe March 3, 2019, 4:59 p.m. No.5491096   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Entertainment" is a general term. We might say “that which fascinates.” Entertainment can make us happier, smarter and better and more tolerant, or, in the hands of advertisers or our enemies, can be used to terrorize, confuse and divide us. The power of entertainment to transform society is enormous. “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” was a powerful emotional narrative that resulted in more humane treatment and eventual emancipation of the African slave population. We propose to use the same mechanism, dramatic entertainment, and the same platforms and technologies, to distribute a spectrum of entertainment to remediate the damage cause by decades adverse IO. In the short term to provide reliable information, offer reassurance and a hopeful vision of future.


There will be considerable shock associated with the revelation of this deception. Wilson Bryan Key put it back in the 80s , “In spite of the evidence presented, most Americans will still find it difficult to believe that their trusted, high-credibility information sources long ago betrayed them into the hands of profit hungry marketing executives who have quietly researched, developed and exhaustively applied a subliminal technology of communication that is no driving every larger segments of the population to pathological behaviors. “


Repairing our common cognitive capacity means dealing with significant levels of damage to neurological function amounting to PTSD.


SEX and DEATH images perceived by the unconscious exert unseen influence distorting our collective worldview and inhibiting discernment by the inappropriate linkage of emotion and symbols or ideas.


British psychologist Norman Dixon, in evaluating 500 scientific studies, concluded, ‘behavior can be determined by external events over which we can affect no conscious control.’ Dixon, Subliminal Perception, p 322

1 Dreams

2 Memory

3 Conscious perception

4 Emotional response

5 Perceptual thresholds

6 Verbal behavior

7 Adaptation level or judgement values

8 Purchasing behavior

9 Psychopathology

10 Reproductive drive/sexuality

The list of subliminal effects powerfully demonstrates how humans can be programmed into almost any group perceptual construction aka cultural perspective by those who control media…Media provide the system by which economic markets are controlled.”

The US public has had decades of exposure to subliminals and years of exposure to acute phase Information Operations conducted by the advertising-media complex for commercial and political ends.


IW objective is to defeat enemies without kinetic conflict. Explicit and implicit, passive and active, promote what is harmful and avoid, ignore, or destroy healthy organic growth. The effect, in our case, has been dis-improving. Social subversion tactics have the objective of “crashing” the civilization. They attack cognitive capacity, promote binary thinking, create false divisions, exacerbate existing social inequities and gradually constrict public vocabulary, introducing subliminally active “occult” materials into school or preschool curriculum.