It's glorious. Brandon Straka is masterful.
And now he's one of us.
His actions are that of a bridge builder, reaching from who he is now speaking to what/who he once was.
So, I agree w/your words.
I hear you on the frustration of trying to talk to people and help others wake up. I've got A LOT of that myself.
Kind of like a teacher's situation. The thing you work for the most in investing in youth is sometimes the main thing you see no evidence of fruition of.
So many words from Anons on this board and from Straka and with the WalkAway movement are evidence and fruition we can all rejoice about together in this movement.
All of our testimonies matter - our stories encourage and embolden others.
I've learned more than I have in my entire life from all this digging for truth.
I would also say the test extends past the airing tonight. Brandon has a big following, and his following is all about voicing a pivotal point of change in political mindset. Those that were on his side of the fence before heard his message after he changed. All those #WalkAway testimonies which were shared here months and months ago? Those were due to his leadership.
This will have a huge ripple effect.