The Awakening to the Jews being minions of the Satanist will be carefully played out at the same speed that plenty of OUR highly public Jews are seen to be doing lots of work helping bring down the NWO. This is a necessary route. We need to punish the criminally guilty but educate the normie Jews on their real history as the number one tool of the damn devil for the last 3000 years. Always being careful to not kick off a pogrom because we are all fractals of God and if you let this get out of hand at the end of the day you will discover you have become what you were fighting. A killer of innocents.
Tricky business. But they have this planned for decades. It explains lots of the slow pace that it appears to us long term Q junkies. But let no doubt be in your mind.
This ends with a world NOT run by Jews or Satanist or any of that shit.
We are in a new era.