TY Baker!!!
Did anyone else pick up on Levin using the word "balkanization" when referencing how it is that the "D" party can still exist? As in, that is one of their tactics?
OK, take your religious predilections and set them aside for a sec. Taking a live and let live approach to interpersonal relationships requires a LOT of effort. It really does. But do you honestly think that by attempting to force someone to not be gay, and be a productive, reproductive member of society is a healthy alternative to your gene pool?
Nature has a way of understanding "what stays, and what goes", and the mechanism involved in that, to some extent, is homosexuality. Having said that, normalization of that behavior is an extreme, and so is shunning and hatred.
Hating people because they have brown eyes is ignorant, and wrong.
Hating people because their eyes are a different shape is ignorant, and wrong.
Hating people because they are white is ignorant, and wrong.
Hating people that are black is ignorant, and wrong.
Hating people because they are homosexual is ignorant, and wrong.
Reconcile differences with love and understanding, and let's come up with some solutions instead of divisions.