Anonymous ID: c79ed0 March 3, 2019, 9:26 p.m. No.5496182   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6214 >>6417 >>6479

great article on UN & marxist environmentalism


Since then, plenty of top UN “climate” and “environmental” officials have also let it slip that their real agenda is actually religious. In his resignation letter amid a sexual assault scandal, then-UN “climate science” boss Rajendra K. Pachauri admitted that his crusade to purportedly save the planet from CO2 was more than just a mission — it was his “religion.” “For me the protection of Planet Earth, the survival of all species and sustainability of our ecosystems is more than a mission,” Pachauri wrote. “It is my religion and my dharma.” Dharma has traditionally been associated with sacrifices to the Hindu gods. Before that letter, then-UN climate czarina Cristiana Figueres opened a UN climate summit in Mexico with a prayer to Ixchel, the Mayan goddess of war, human sacrifice, and cannibalism.


Pagan earth worshipers masquerading as environmental activists or “scientists” even let the mask fall in recent weeks while praising the developments out of New Zealand and India purporting to confer human rights on rivers.


By contrast, the UN and its “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” acknowledges no creator, thereby positing that rights come from governments, treaties, and the UN. The UN declaration also makes clear in Article 29 that, in the UN's view, “human rights” can be revoked or limited under virtually any pretext. Separately, the same article claims that everyone has “duties to the community” and that “rights and freedoms” may “in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.” A brief look at the mass-murdering regimes that sit on the UN “Human Rights Council” also offers great insight into the UN's perverted view of rights.