Those up top had better start letting go of their kumbaya bullshit and being stooges to rape and degradation of their own children, as many in DC (including the so-called 'patriots' currently are).
They are not simply blind, they are sick to the core and are completely detached from reality.
Time for reciprocity is soon approaching, in the US and world wide.
These people are right. These shitskins and foreign subhumans are sex tourists, rapists, guided and brainwashed into thinking they can prey on white girls and women with no consequences and violent responses.
Q, with all due respect to your actions and that of our people on the ground, this is what it boils down to for many MANY people.
In order to prevent wider scale destabilization and derailing, HARSH actions should have been taken when iron was hot. Openly and without any shred of remorse.
"kill them, kill their families, their dog too"
Do not EVER tell the people they cannot protect and keep what is theirs.
World wide (((media))) is pushing for rape and targeting of certain demographic of people and glorifying in their degradation, and you call for 'unity'.
Look at poland, look at finland.
Look at israel, turkey, middle east.
People will rise up to defend what is theirs.
Stop stabbing the people in the back in regards to these issues. There is no compromise.
Either this is dealt with systematically and openly in any way shape or form by you, or you are merely playing a tool to those who are raping and targeting our (YOUR) children and women.
That's the bottom line.
Hopefully some up top are still sane and not swallowing the globalist bullshit (in a different form). Support and help your own people. Your own women and children. There is no compromises to be had here.
You leave behind, denigrate, and abandon those who you are supposed to stand with, here domestically or in europe/aus/uk, you bring about the failure of the operation by your own myopia and lack of will.
YES people have been psyop'd for long time. YES people may not measure up to your expectations.
None of it matters.
Either you stand with your own, or you lose all credibility and operation ends in failure.
YES we know how this type of thing can be 'used'.
None of it would have been a problem if people AND those up top were competent/awake enough to take HARSH and VIOLENT EFFECTIVE action when it is necessary and just, as it is NOW.
muslims, arabs, shitskins, foreigners and their [assets].
jewry and their cooperatives world wide. globalist networks and NWO families that maliciously spread these lies world wide to victimize our people and women and children, turning them into targets.
It's high time that our enemies face violence and OVERWHELMING responses to their obvious and brazen actions, with no mercy or quarter.
It's that simple.
Stand with us, and help our own.
Light must not fade because one or two sides of your own fail.
Get the fuck off your delusional high horse and get down to reality. No matter come hell or high water, this must be done.
TERROR and HATRED employed on systematic basis with show of FORCE and VIOLENCE is the only answer to these subhumans.