I dont know, anon. What would really tell the tale is knowing who recruited and funded her campaign.
I'm seeing 32 uid. Never seen it so low.
Love the Vincent Price rap.
She's too old to be a boomer.
Have you ever taken an economics class. It is tull oc communist theory and bullshit. I almost walked out of the class, but I needed it to graduate. Pure commie bullshit just like the political science classes.
So, a quick on Ocasio Cortez shows that she was funded largely by small donors, but also received money from the Soros backed moveon.org and a group called www.justicedemocrats.com/home
Very progressive/socialist group. Check it out.
Yes and yes.
No, not really. Kek. It's all theory.
Yep. Exactly.
I enjoyed and did well in the psycology, sociology, and phylosophy classes.
Do you know who that guy you memed really is?
WTF? Where did that come from?
I doubt it, too.