Why don't "they" just walk away?
Imagine you were ritually abused.
Demons cannot enter you without permission.
They are very legalistic and clever.
That can't interfere with your free will.
So they find people willing to torture you.
Dressed as rabbits and dolls and monsters.
Underground while you are very young.
And then you are "saved" by those you trust.
Not knowing "they" are the ones in costume.
And then "abused" again by those in disguise.
All why being drugged and brainwashed.
Built up and broken down. Over and over.
Never knowing who to trust.
But tricked into trusting "them".
Everyone breaks or dies. You would too.
Until your whimpering cries give in.
Until you split into two of you.
And one you invites the demon in.
As an angel of light to save you.
Now fast forward to adulthood.
You are granted fame and fortune.
You earn power and prestige.
But there is a price and a craving.
You still need to eat the pain.
But you hate yourself for it.
Those dark days seem behind you.
Were they a dream or nightmare.
You were "saved" by "them".
You can speak in front of millions.
That's easy after "your training".
But a demon is running the show.
You don't know it. You think it's you.
But anytime you have second thoughts.
The demon comes to the front of your mind.
And guides you back on their path.
Mapped out for you from the beginning.
Raise your kid as gender non specific.
Here's your Academy Award.
Start an NGO for the poor.
Here's your Golden Globe.
Abortion is a swell idea at anytime.
Here's your Nobel Peace Prize.
Change yourself into a woman.
Here's your reality TV check.
And that demon owns you now.
It is connected to the hive.
And it always knows where you are.
At quantum speeds, it can enter you again.
So walking away is not a concept.
If you did, you can't hide. You are connected.
"They" know where to find you.
Remotely. Anywhere. Inside your head.
So when all this goes down.
And anons want to kill the wicked.
Remember how you won the parent lottery.
And "they" certainly did not.
Anons need to never forget.
Anons need Godly forgiveness.
Forgiveness is a choice not a feeling.
Let God and Q handle the justice.
Find a way to pray for them.
Love the sinner and HATE the sin.
If you don't forgive, you might let "them" in.
The Holy Spirit can heal "them".
Especially the ones tricked into it.
God is fair. We are not.
God is mercy. We are not.
God is love. We are not.
God wins.