What do Qpedes think of Richard Spencer?
He's not a zionist. And he's way better than faggot emperor Trump and nigger Q.
Can we win in 2020? Trump's support is slipping in the Midwest.
>Q and Trump have woke up more people to the JQ and Israel than any of the e-celeb niggers ever did.
Goddamn you have shit for brains. Q has mentioned Israel like one goddamn time and Trump sucks kike cock every chance he gets. So what are you saying exactly? You want to exterminate the jews but you also support Q and Trump. Get the fuck outta here.
They will vote purely out of self-interest. Considering the amount of subhumans that have flooded our country, this will manifest itself as voting for gibs.
David Brock wouldn't waste his time with retards on /qresearch/. It's just too easy and all of you are zero threat to any kind of establishment because you're all running around chasing insignificant bullshit.
Spencer is objectively not a zionist where as Trump is objectively a zionist.
Trump and Q supporters are the true leftists. They support globohomo and the destruction of the white race.
I hope AOC fucks the immigrant-loving rich in half.
You faggots are pathetic. You don't even have the good bait memes.
>I hate jews
>I support the most jewish president in American history
Do you see the problem?
Terry Davis would fucking spit on Q for being a faggot.
Damn, Omar is based as hell. I love it when she dabs on jews.
Who says this?
I wish this retard got that mad at Trump for all of his neverending betrayals.
Do we love Ilhan Omar? Is she based?
She's not irrelevant. She's naming the jew in Congress, unlike all the white cucks we have for representatives.
We shouldn't counter-signal her because she righteously names the jew.
We should support her because she names the jew. The only people who have a problem with this are kikes.
She's from a white district. Many whites voted for her.
Don't you mean Israel First you zogged up kike.
What's the point of voting for Trump? He's worse than Obama.
She's doing God's work. We shouldn't get in her way.
Of course you would.
There is no plan and Q is a LARP. Anyone who speaks in riddles should never be trusted.
His immigration policy has been absolute trash.
Trump is the shill. Trump has been comped from the beginning.
Trump has been far worse than Hillary and Obama.
No one is going to jail. Trump fucked up bigly.
I didn't know being a game designer means you're expert in everything.
Disgusting. Why virtue-signal over niggers?
It turns out he was evil after all.
Fuck merit. How about we care about our own people and say fuck immigrants.
What? Is that his maid?
Too many and they mostly vote democrat (socialism). You'll understand one day. Too bad Q's head is still up his ass.
What can I say. I'm bored, and I love slapping around boomercons with a little bantz.
Nah. Yang Gang. Brown people and disgruntled whites won't turn down free money for neocon wars.
How's anyone going to jail? Congress will not allow a special investigation into Democrats.
/pol/ loves sweet Ilhan.
A change in media is the first phase of revolution.
>The Opposition Party Is in a State of Panic
Demography is Destiny. Trump nor Q can't beat this.
Any Qpedes like Hitler videos?
Do the freemasons lobby our government?