I have not seen this on the boards.
This… is our internet freedom.
This lawsuit will return our rights and privacy.
Michael McKibben wrote the breakthrough code that enabled social networking. When the internet was launched, it was incapable of handling large transfers of files. McKibben's code resolved this. With his code, your creations were your property.
When he hired a patent attorney and law professor James P. Chandler to structure the patent, Chandler stole it. The privacy controls in the code were altered so that it became an information-gathering tool. What a user created now became the property of the government. Without that base code, there would have been no social networking.
Thus, McKibben has a financial stake in everything that used that code.
He now has a trillion-dollar claim presented to President Trump, using the Miller Act, which guarantees reimbursement for any services the government has used.
The resolving of this theft of his code may result in the return of the internet to a private utility, owned by the users.Every application based on his code would have to pay to use it, and also follow the guidelines (user agreement) specified in its use.
It is how we can get our privacy back.
the story: names of the thieves, Podesta through Zuckerberg etc etc etc
https:// www.youtube. com/watch?v=iUJUKIPab0A
his background
https:// www.youtube. com/watch?v=vHFEhSf52C0