I'm gonna draw your attention to some interesting data points in this cuteness here:
The name of the tool 'Ghidra' was defined on March 19 2015, in the AMC Intro titled 'Godzilla vs King Ghidorah' as one of three names for the 'god of the void'. Please note that the 19th was listed as an important date by Q. This extraterrestrial creature's official name is 'Yamatha no Orochi'. A pawn of various alien race seeking to subjugate Earth, this ancient entity destroyed venusian civilization and was originally colored 'green' but was eventually recast as gold for the animation. The creature was in various stories an astral world devouring black hole traveling entity who denies conventional physics and was worshipped by Gematron (gematria) mathematics followers because of what it could do. It could time travel and was a life force sucking entity that destroyed the dinosaurs and was well on its way to destroying humanity until Godzilla fixed it.
The idea 'god of the void' reminds me of the 'god of the gaps' trap that Christians (and I'm one) tend to fall into by assigning every currently unexplainable capability or technique to deity - meaning that God keeps getting smaller the more we study and learn unless we recognize that spirit and soul and consciousness to some degree and life itself are the stage in which God works - rather than hoping to find Him by study.
Note that throughout all the stories, Ghidra had the power of flight and the power of directed gravity beams.
The Thundercats are also extraterrestrial cat-like humanoids stranded on the third Earth (third rock) because their ships were destroyed by mutants. They use the sword of omens and also get stuck in astral prisons during battles with evil rulers on the Earth (reminds me of Caligastia from the Urantia Book).
Both are Japanese-American children's entertainment teaching about extraterrestrials, astral and non-physical realities, alternative physics, subjugation of the Earth by alien races who may be multidimensional, and that life, love, fidelity, and soul/spirit survive and persist in the face of entropic decay and corporeal death.