DNA/DNI. For some reason. Probably holy shit just figured it out. Lmao I spent like 10 minutes Searx'ing
this question and poopf. There it is. Okay
DNA/DNI. It is the information transferred in deoxyribonucleic acid. Or DNA. Which I believe is called
deoxyribonucleic information. But fuck thats hard to verify with the internet. Probably why most
independants in my field seem to refer to it as DNA/DNI. The information thats specifically written
in the fibonacci spiral/sequence () Are you following along? Scalar reverse-decodes DNA-DNI
Probably in some variation of 55 34 21 13 8 5 3 2 1 1 0 or something. Still attempting to ascend
in my code knowledge. Having fun. Okay, so how do we get the DNA/DNI to the Scalar energy source?
Eaaaasy. Many ways to do such a thing. Let me tell you about it. If you place 2 tesla coils in the proper
apparatus, they will resonate. Remember the photos? NT always had 2 of them. What I'm thinking
is with two your creating a connection between two resonance fields. Practically, a field of space for
introducing influence. Lets cross over influences briefly and we'll be basically done.
Examplatory. Indubitably! Lets start crazy, and manuever to simple. Transmission Proton Hypograph ()
The Paladino method. Introduce a special print of real photo to the coiled resonance field. This appears
to be an effective method of transferring DNA/DNI information to a scalar source. Which doesn't surprise
me #Zero-point
Would you believe me if I told you estimating scalar at a billion times faster than the speed of light i.e.
Instancy might as well be the case? I mean times a billion as many times as you want. Tell me when you
get to infiniti. Anwyay, Lol oh wow. Anyway, I'm way off track now. Simple method.
Get some physical DNA. I already found a poisoned pathogen guy on quora lol. The spooky2 has an input method
of which I like. I believe it only involves one tesla coil. This coil is the input, you can drop anything on it; perferably
liquids. So lets say you drop the poisoned pathogen or MMS or you're own blood (probably your own blood) The
information is sent in numerical sequence to the 6.28 scale Wanderclyff mini inside box#1 and vualah. Now I
was about to continue the last step of understanding programming these devices when I realized that the tech had
gone commercial. So I skipped that part. What I do understand about it is that the 4th dimension is heavenly. Scalar
energy is creation. I do not think it could harm anybody. Although I do have theories related to Scalar 5g Conversion
while keeping the Admonishments of the inventors of the Qube in mind as well as the knowledge of DARPA's 100g program.
So yeah. Future problems. All I see at the moment is The Great Awakening, Electromagnetized earth star wars and probably
new ass evil in a hundred years. I have no clue bro. But the point is; Scalar is inherantly good and at this interval I believe
that it will never fail to eradicate any negativitiy that currently exists in any format. Is Anti-matter somewhat ironic? Anyway again.
Programming (hypothetically) could be negative. But I seriously seriously doubt that. And furthermore, my own thought
stubbornly persists that Paladino exadgerated the comlicity of the patent he refuses to disclose. I think the Scalar programs
itself, contrary to the apparatus. That sounds so accurate in nature!