Thank you for sharing, anons.
Someone is out there and wants to be seen/heard.
Someone nice.
Share the Love.
I seriously hope dr. Steven Greer is no one's be-all end-all guy for Disclosure on this board. Disclosure belongs to the People, and that is why his protocol (NOT dr. Greer himself) is what forms the backbone of DIY ET proofs.
If you want to connect dr. Greer to the Cabalists, seek out his funding channels, for he who pays the piper picks the tune.
So far all I found out is one single black sheep of the Rothschild family helped him on one project, he tried to present truth about ET life to some members of then-current administration and that's about it.
What I consider the biggest flaw of the otherwise pretty good guy dr. Greer is his downplaying of negative ETs and their influence. Thankfully nowadays negative ETs are rare, else you'd read about suspicious abductions like we did in the past century.
I don't know why you're so hell-bent on destroying this guy, just state the truth, point out what's what and be done with it. Besides, I don't see Podesta doing any CE-5, do you?