>What if Greer endorses QAnon?
>What if Greer turns on Hillary/Fake Disclosure?
What if Alex Jones does?
What if Jerome Corsi does?
What if Hollywood pedos do?
What if MSM actors do?
What if Isaac Green does?
What if the Rockefellers do?
What if the Rothschilds do?
What if the Payseurs do?
What if the Merovingians do?
What if David Wilcock does?
What if Corey Goode does?
What if all those phoney Twitter 'insider' accounts do?
Greer would endorse Q to ride the coat tails of hundreds of millions of followers.
All for more eyes on him, the weak minded who believe his stories.
Greer would turn on his masters in the public optics because the general consensus if is that (((they))) are corrupt.
Therefore if Greer condemns them he must be /ourguy/.
Same thing Alex Jones and all the rest of (((them))) do.
You are quite possibly stupider than Greershill expecting anons to follow his lead.
This is the lowest IQ post that I've seen yet on here.
(You) need to go back.