Anonymous ID: 885ae1 March 12, 2019, 1:57 p.m. No.5644876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5750



>What if Greer endorses QAnon?

>What if Greer turns on Hillary/Fake Disclosure?


What if Alex Jones does?

What if Jerome Corsi does?

What if Hollywood pedos do?

What if MSM actors do?

What if Isaac Green does?

What if the Rockefellers do?

What if the Rothschilds do?

What if the Payseurs do?

What if the Merovingians do?

What if David Wilcock does?

What if Corey Goode does?

What if all those phoney Twitter 'insider' accounts do?

Greer would endorse Q to ride the coat tails of hundreds of millions of followers.

All for more eyes on him, the weak minded who believe his stories.

Greer would turn on his masters in the public optics because the general consensus if is that (((they))) are corrupt.

Therefore if Greer condemns them he must be /ourguy/.

Same thing Alex Jones and all the rest of (((them))) do.

You are quite possibly stupider than Greershill expecting anons to follow his lead.

This is the lowest IQ post that I've seen yet on here.

(You) need to go back.

Anonymous ID: 885ae1 March 12, 2019, 3:46 p.m. No.5647084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7424


This guy gets it.


Have a peek at Greers Twitter if you care to see patriots calling him out for his lies.

Just check out his net worth.

Mighty fine for a man who quit his job as a Dr. and claims to make nothing from the Disclosure Project.

Keep trying guys!

Anonymous ID: 885ae1 March 12, 2019, 4:57 p.m. No.5648573   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9025


>Evidence you have provided.


Funny, you provided none? You did a whole lot of heroic talking, but provided nothing to substantiate your vitriol. Could you just once provide some sauce to support your claims?

Dr Greer;


Used a flashlit moth silhouette to claim he had captured an 'alien light being'


  • claimed he had proof of the the Atacama 'humanoid' being alien (it has long been known to be a deformed fetus)


  • claimed ability to summon UFO's and aliens when he wished (but failed to do so)


  • claimed ability to telepathically communicate and remote-view aliens.. but, you guessed it


  • will, any day now, release the Orion 'Free Energy' machine - he just needs $3m of your money…


  • Disclosure was going to happen in 2010 - it didn't


  • claimed the military used nerve gas on an underground alien base


  • claimed the Open SETI project was receiving but covering up alien signals (but his similar project has failed..)


  • claimed he had been briefed on UFO's by a CIA manager, who subsequently, publicly and with several witnesses, completely contradicted the story


  • illegally breached copyright and copied and then released a document as if it was his own, when he had little or nothing to do with it (it was owned by the UFO Research Coalition)


  • claimed the Earth was under quarantine and we were warned off the Moon (hence the Neil Armstrong lies)


  • claimed a picture showing some barely visible 'Joshua tree' branches at night was "an extraterrestrial diplomatic ambassador"


Having fun yet?

Time for another slide eh gents?


>Facts matter. - Q

Anonymous ID: 885ae1 March 13, 2019, 5:37 a.m. No.5657842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8084









Scripted interaction (except latest post) between disinfo shills fishing for anything they think may trigger a reaction. Not offering anything to this thread, no digs, no Q post connections. Shills poke around to get a reaction from Anons… They don't add to the material here. They add nothing but division and confusion. Once again, I personally love seeing proof that someone is paying good money to shill these threads!

Anonymous ID: 885ae1 March 13, 2019, 5:52 a.m. No.5657932   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8098 >>0644 >>1285 >>1728


>It was quiet here for a few days, one dig post and BOOM. I wonder what it was?


As soon as 'Ra' is mentioned shills go into a frenzied panic. It's pretty amazing actually. How many times have we seen this? Now is that because of The Eye of Ra material (pineal gland)? The Law of One? The history of the sun god itself? or because "Ra Anon" terrifies them? A little combination of all I think. Keep diggering and triggering Anons! Oh this is fun.



Anonymous ID: 885ae1 March 13, 2019, 6:38 a.m. No.5658301   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9213



Yawn. Yup, bait taken. (((They))) are always here, always watching. How much more proof do we need?


>And also as a proof that dr. Steven Greer is an absolute white hat


A bold statement. Quite a bit of proof and sauce linked here to prove the contrary. Gotta love how the thread started off with that notable from the Q Research main breads! Even the bakers know how much of a fraud Greer is. Not a whole lot of facts out there to claim Greer is a white hat. In fact zero evidence. Would love to see just one thing linked to support that. Kek!

>Facts matter. - Q


"Not offering anything to this thread, no digs, no Q post connections. Shills poke around to get a reaction from Anons… They don't add to the material here. They add nothing but division and confusion"




>the second you realize we both agree on MOST things is the second you stop being an incessant fuckwad, capiche?


This is how anons speak to each other, right? Shills attempt to force 'group think' mentality while providing zero evidence to support their claims. I rest my case. Make sure to create backups of all (((their))) posts frens. The shill will always contradict themselves.