>I want to try to guess what the next shill push here will be. So far we have buried __5 We have seen the weird japanese comic book shill, Now this Kaboomer fucker with the pastel Pleideans.
>I am actually kinda sad to see them say Trump is ours and Q is the aliens.
One of the best examples of why Kabamur is completely and utterly full of galactic feces. Q is not an alien (unless you consider all of us aliens due to our DNA). The fact this LARPY faggot is claiming this is laughable. Sure, I believe there are positive ET's working with the US Gov't but they definitely aren't the "less than 10" Q is referring to, nor are they making the Q posts. The simplest logic will bring anyone to that conclusion. I've seen Kabamur pushed for a long time on here, and each and every anon who pushes it has been ultra sketchy. Kabamur is fake and gay disinfo, and not a legit contactee. I don't need any more proof.
>When you say 'buried __5'' you don't mean that you and other anons don't believe, understand, practice, or experiment with telepathic communications with ET, do you?
We DO do that, but once again "__5" is a construct of Dr. Greer, the Rockefeller Initiative and the darkest tendrils of evil that control Greer, PRG, The Disclosure Project and everything involved with them. The term itself is what keeps focus on said disinfo. Contact protocols may work, but it baits the normies into the Greer gatekeeper trap. So once again, fuck all them. Keep a clear mind, broadcast peaceful thoughts and energy, make the effort, forget the rest. Every time "__5" is mentioned a devil grows its horns.
Why can't anons get this notion through their heads.