I've already posted this on general thread, will post here, see what else I can learn.
Hi anons.
I believe I was abducted in 2014, I got this exact same (PIC 1 NOT MY PICTURE, but same shape) pattern in both of my hands (PIC 2 shittily made in GIMP just to illustrate), and it was as if the dots were "pressed" against my skin, you know like when you're holding/pressing onto something or laying over something and you get the same pattern of the surface "indented" in your skin. and that kind of markings usually disappear in a couple minutes. Mines lasted like for 3-4 fucking days.
Story goes like this: I remember that night I had a dream about sliding down a gigantic metal slide with several bifurcations. I woke up and went to my usual working out routine and suddenly I got all dizzy. Went to a friend's restaurant and grabbed some sweet juice to get better, got nausea, and when I was in the restroom washing my hands that's when I noticed the fucking marks. I panicked and got all paranoid and told my dad only (and a close friend in that year). I got some xrays of both of my hands cause I feared I had an implant or something. Nothing was found.
So, I don't know if I was abducted but that's what it seems like isn't it, woke up with unexplainable "pressed" red marks that don't go away in several days, there was NO SURFACE with that pattern I was in contact with at that time (or at any point in my life that I recall).
I believe I've been messed up with by external entities, not saying aliens, I really DON'T KNOW what the fuck happened to me. My mom has been having also ET and UFO experiences through all her life also, I don't know if we are targets, experiments, fucking cattle, I don't know, my life is fucking full of emotional issues, I'm dealing with pain and the shit and whatnotโฆ feel like I've been lead astray.
just as a side note, curiously, I remember that, at that approximate time I was reading a Donald Trump book and several times when reading it, I felt like I was supposed to be reading it, I actually had this gut feeling that he was going to run for president, I just "knew" he was going to do it, I've experienced so many fucking "coincidences" or synchronicities or whatever the fuck they are, I believe I was supposed to be helping here but something went WRONG or something like that.
I know this is not the right venue but this is the closest I have to "someone who will understand and maybe give me some hints on what to do" I'm probably doxxing myself out with this story but what the fuck, I don't give a shit at this point, I'm a complete life fuck up, I'm desperate and need answers.
Q, NSA, white hats, Autists, whoever can share any piece of useful advice will be appreciated, sorry for wasting this precious piece of bread, didn't mean to distract, I respect this place. I just want to understand why am I going through everything I've been going in my life, get my life back on track and HELP others. I want to help here. I hope it's not too late. I want answers and fix myself so I can help others.
Thank you in advance if you can share anything.
Thank you all of you who are making this world a better place. Blessings.