I hope the downtime in this thread has been that of self reflection and rediscovery of all that has been shared in this bread and the previous leading up to it.
Much has been shared… Perhaps more than we know.
If you go back through all of this, and observe the shills (CE5 Anon, Don't look here Anon, Follow these rules and only these rules for contact Anon, Ignore all history Anon, Burn all negative ET literature Anon, Don't eat meat Anon we want you WEAK Anon, Do as I say Anon, Elitest follow my protocols for contact Anon, Elitest I have real CE5 encounters Anon so only listen to me Anon, Follow the mainstream badactors Anon, Dracos don't exist Anon, Ridicule the 'Pine Cone' pineal gland Anon so you don't look into it Anon, Ignore the Vatican Anon, Anyone who questions CE5 Anon is RA anon because they seek the truth ANON)
Yep, it paints a picture. It paints the most beautiful picture of finding your way to the truth. Shills have a very specific mission on these boards. It is to instill an authority, it is to ridicule anyone who steps near the truth. It is to divide Anons. It is to attack FIRST and call others faggots, then later call themselves 'Light Workers' here to help humanity. Remember, the shill will always contradict themselves.
Funny how the CE5 spam has slowed down since others have reduced their posting frequency. (Its always been a distraction to stop you from digging, its always been a distraction to make you think you need to follow Greer and his protocols for contact).
Now… Are we going to see some 'New Ips' and some more CE5 rhetoric pop up after this message? Hasn't failed yet ;)