When I began to wake up in 2010, there was so many areas of interest in the paranormal field.
Lots of theories flying around from alien invasion, to earth changes and earth cataclysms, from a meteor, from a CME, from flooding, from an earthquake, all sorts of shit that did not come true.
Then at the time if you read anything that was supposedly from aliens it was about peace and love, usually.
Then if you study all of the stuff the dark magicians do, it's fear, pain, sith lord type stuff.
Naturally whatever is not doing sithlord stuff I'll go read about. After spending time in this field, the most basic thing they want to keep from the people is a true spiritual awakening where you gain a connection to the holy spirit, which cannot be done in the traditional Christian sense. It can only be done in the mystical sense.
People will say that talking about spirituality is off topic when talking about ETS.
People will say that talking about ETS has nothing to do with spirituality.
They will try to divide you, with any excuse they can get away with, I tell you what. ALL SENTIENT BEINGS, are God's Children, and like most children, they love the Father.
There are however some children in the playground, who reject the Father. There are good apples and there are bad apples, the good apples out number the bad ones. The good ones will not interfere with our sovereignty our free will, they support republicanism.
The bad ones, are still here.
Example? Sauce?
20.7 ▶ Questioner: Just as a sideline, a side question here: Is the physics of Dewey Larson correct?
Ra: I am Ra. The physics of sound vibrational complex Dewey is a correct system as far as it is able to go. There are those things which are not included in this system. However, those coming after this particular entity, using the basic concepts of vibration and the study of vibrational distortions, will begin to understand that which you know of as gravity and those things you consider as “n” dimensions. These things are necessary to be included in a more universal, shall we say, physical theory.
At the time of the writing of the Law Of One, it was not widely accepted that there are multiple dimensions, just the one physical dimension we find ourselves in.
Law of One was channeled, written in 1981. IT was not until 2001
future proves past.
This was discovered. Scientists discovered the template for what could reconcile the existence of multiple dimensions by a base geometry that created all dimensions.
People will try to tell you this is not related to that, and that is not related to this, because they want to keep you separated from putting the pieces together.
Put the pieces together, and the sum is greater than all of it's parts combined.
None of the craft flying around Earth belong to ETS, most of them are ours, backwards engineered, and carrying out an intergalactic slave trade that the Nazis Run.
Be careful who you follow. People who have shady histories and sold out and/or worked with the Rockefellers or Rothschilds are probably compromised.
There is division sown in every community because this doesn't relate or that doesn't relate, this is a symptom that will always happen to people that do not see the full picture. This has always been a war between Good and Evil.
Evil will always seek to suppress anything that does not agree with it.