(((NADLER))): Oy Vey! If you use $ sign in the name thats anti-semitic!
Holy shit imagine being this assblasted because someone said oy vey.
Seriously, gas yourself.
He puts the triple parenthesis around his name because he claims to be proud of his Jewish heritage and he says alt righters wont scare him from being proudly Jewish
It became mainstream after 4chan made an browser plugin that went viral which automatically added triple parenthesis to all Jewish names in every web page you browse.
After it went viral, the MSM jumped on it and called it anti-semitic and twitter users (including some losers in congress/senate) started putting it around their names to show how proud they were of being jewish.
No one cares, loser, you've been doing nothing but spamming copypastas and 50 images in this thread and you call other people bots. You probably are the bot.
"Oy Vey" has been a chan meme for years. Just because you are a newfag, doesn't mean we have to adapt to the way you like things done. Like I said, gas yourself you fucking kike bot.