Anonymous ID: 661355 March 4, 2019, 10:42 a.m. No.5502238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2272 >>2374 >>2381 >>2681

"Grounds For Impeachment" If Trump Tried To Block AT&T-Time Warner Deal: Kellyanne Conway's Husband


President Trump reportedly told former economic adviser Gary Cohn to pressure the Justice Department to block the $85 billion AT&T-Time Warner merger - a move which would be grounds for impeachment according to George Conway - the husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway.


Based on intel from a "well-informed" (but once again anonymous) source, the New Yorker reports that in the summer of 2017 - several months before the DOJ filed its antitrust lawsuit, Trump allegedly had an Oval Office sit-down with Cohn and then-chief of staff John Kelly in which he wanted to "make sure" the DOJ lawsuit seeking to block the merger was filed.


"I’ve been telling Cohn to get this lawsuit filed and nothing’s happened!" Trump reportedly told Kelly. "I’ve mentioned it 50 times. And nothing’s happened. I want to make sure it’s filed. I want that deal blocked!"


According to the New Yorker - Trump's opposition to the deal was thought to be motivated by his hatred for CNN, which is owned by Time Warner. If true, according to George Conway, "such an attempt to use presidential authority to seek retribution for the exercise of First Amendment rights would unquestionably be grounds for impeachment," he tweeted.


The DOJ maintains that Trump's dislike for CNN was not a factor in its decision to bring a 2017 lawsuit to block the merger on antitrust grounds, however US District Court Judge Richard Leon ruled in 2018 that the merger could proceed - a decision which was upheld by the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit.


Cohn reportedly refused to follow Trump's order, knowing that it was "highly improper" for the president to intervene.


"Don’t you f—ing dare call the Justice Department," Cohn reportedly told Kelly. "We are not going to do business that way." (could Cohn be the anonymous source?)


"The President does not understand the nuances of antitrust law or policy," said the former, possibly bald official. "But he wanted to bring down the hammer."

Anonymous ID: 661355 March 4, 2019, 10:44 a.m. No.5502269   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bolton’s ‘Monroe Doctrine’ remark on Venezuela arrogant & insulting to all of Latin America – Lavrov


John Bolton’s “arrogant” use of the term Monroe Doctrine in relation to Venezuela is an insult to the entirety of Latin America as it effectively reduces it to being a US backyard, Russia’s Sergey Lavrov has said.


“The theory and the practice of “backyards” is generally insulting,” the Russian foreign minister said on Monday at a press conference in Doha, Qatar.


He also reminded the US national security adviser that “since 1945, when the UN was founded, the international law is being regulated by this universal and the most legitimate organization.”


Bolton’s statement was “arrogant” and “insulting” to all the countries in Latin America, Lavrov added. On Sunday, Bolton vowed to create “as broad a coalition” as possible to basically overthrow Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and confirmed that the US was ultimately seeking to create a “democratic hemisphere.”


“In this administration we’re not afraid to use the phrase ‘Monroe Doctrine,’” Bolton stated. “This is a country in our hemisphere and it’s been the objective of American presidents going back to Ronald Reagan to have a completely Democratic hemisphere.”


The Monroe Doctrine was outlined by President James Monroe in 1823. It proclaims the Western hemisphere as an exclusive zone of Washington’s interests and regards any interference in the Americas by any foreign powers as a hostile act.


Since then, it has been invoked by multiple US presidents for various purposes – from justifying the territorial expansion of the US in the 19th century to battling the spread of communism during the Cold War.

Anonymous ID: 661355 March 4, 2019, 10:46 a.m. No.5502294   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2422 >>2685

Ben Bernanke - The Father Of Extreme US Socialism


Looking for a reason for the upsurge in radical socialism, don't blame Trump, blame the Fed.


Writer David McWilliams penned an excellent article in the Financial Times:Quantitative Easing was the Father of Millennial Socialism.


McWilliams notes that Fed chairman Ben Bernanke's "cash for trash" QE scheme drove up asset prices and bailed out the baby boomers. The cost of course, was pricing millennials out of the housing market.


Unorthodox policy penalizes the asset poor.


What assets do millennials have? Hardly any. Instead they are saddled with mountains of student debt which, thanks to president George W. Bush, could no longer be discharged in bankruptcy.


The Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2005 would have better been called the Debt Slave Act of 2005.


Then, when the Great Financial Crisis hit, the Fed came along bailed out the banks, bailed out the bondholders, bailed out Fannie Mae, and bailed out the asset holders in general, leaving millennials mired in debt unable to afford a house.

Simmering Stew of Anger


The irony in this simmering stew of anger is people blame Trump, not the Fed.


But socialism, even AOC's radical socialism is not about Trump, at least directly.

Peak Trump


I had a lengthy phone conversation with David Stockman after I finished reading his new book, "Peak Trump".


The first thing I said to him was "This really isn't about Trump, is it?"


He laughed, then responded along the lines of, "You are correct. Trump is a symptom of the problem. He wanted to drain the swamp but failed to do so. He never really had a good chance of doing that, but he failed to make the most of the chance he had. We are where we are because of decades of Congressional and monetary mismanagement."


I gave his book two thumbs up in "Peak Trump" by David Stockman: Book Review

Trump Won the Election Because


Obama promised change and failed to deliver. Wars continued so did drone policy. Obamacare was a disaster. In his first term, Obama bailed out the banks.


The millennials wanted Bernie Sanders and the Democrat leadership rigged the primary for Hillary. Many disillusioned millennials then sat the election out.


Trump's message appealed to union workers in the rust belt states who believe China was stealing our jobs.


Many believe Hillary is a bigger warmonger than Trump.


People genuinely cannot stand Hillary, for many good reasons.


It took all of those things for Trump to win, and then just barely.

Anonymous ID: 661355 March 4, 2019, 10:48 a.m. No.5502323   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2422 >>2685

As Gov’t Pushes Mandatory Vaccination, Contaminated Vaccines Found in 3 States Causing Infections


As the media pumped fear and propaganda over the non-epidemic of measles, vaccines in three states were found to be contaminated and causing infections.


Last month, measles hysteria came to a head as every single mainstream media outlet across the country ran with stories pumping fear over some non-existent epidemic. Headlines like “For God’s Sake! Vaccinate Your Children!” and “Measles is on the rise. But telling anti-vaxxers they’re stupid won’t fix it” have run constantly since last month as the media and the government wage a war on those who advocate for vaccine safety and informed consent. There was one headline, however, that was the opposite of these and went entirely under the radar.


“Vaccines given in Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana causing infections,” read one headline that was suppressed to the deepest darkest depths of the search engine algorithm. After all, it’s hard to foster fear over a non-existent epidemic to encourage people to vote away their right to informed consent when the very medicines being mandated are found to be contaminated and causing infections. But that is exactly what happened.


Last month, the health department in Kentucky found out that vaccines for the flu, whooping cough, and hepatitis A not only weren’t working but they were infecting people.


As WKRC points out, the company Location Vaccination started providing vaccines for businesses in Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana in September. Shortly after, some people started noticing swelling and lumps at the injection site.


Only after multiple people across three states began complaining of infections did the health department step in and realize that the vaccines had all been contaminated. They had been improperly stored which led to this contamination.


The health department is now warning people in these states, who have received one of these vaccines, to be on the look out for infection as symptoms can show up three months after getting the shot.


WKRC reports, if your business worked with Location Vaccination, you should give your employees a heads up, and if you live in any of the three states, call the Kentucky Health Department immediately at 502-564-3418.


Ironically enough, the health department is urging all those who were vaccinated by this company—that may have infected them with contaminated vaccines—to get another round of shots.


Even if you don’t live in one of these three states, this is a perfect example of why mandatory vaccinations are a terrible idea. Not only do people react differently to different medicines, but these medicines are manufactured and administered by humans—who make errors—a lot.


Nonetheless, currently, across the country, there are over 100 bills filed in 30 different states proposing to expand, restrict or eliminate vaccine informed consent rights.


Ironically enough, Kentucky and Indiana both have laws proposed for these purposes—where the infections originated.

Anonymous ID: 661355 March 4, 2019, 10:51 a.m. No.5502360   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2484

Guaido returns to Venezuela to the welcome of foreign ‘bodyguard’ envoys


Self-declared “interim president” of Venezuela, Juan Guaido, returned from his South American tour on Monday, arriving into the loving (and protective) arms of ambassadors from the foreign governments backing him.


Despite Venezuelan authorities making it clear he could face 30 years in prison for attempting to overthrow the government and violating a travel ban, Guaido chose to arrive directly to an airport in Caracas.


The risk of arrest was notably mitigated by the presence of ambassadors from Germany, France, Spain, the Netherlands and several other countries which gathered at the arrival gate to huddle around him like a high-profile human shield. While Guaido was all smiles, his Western-world entourage seemed a bit on edge.


While the media fretted that Maduro might make good on threats to arrest Guaido, the opposition leader passed through customs without incident and headed straight to a rally in central Caracas.


Meanwhile, Vice President Mike Pence warned the Venezuelan government that Washington protects its investments, stressing how important Guaido is to them, and threatening a “swift response” if anyone tries to bully him.


Shortly after moving unhindered through the airport, Guaido arrived at a demonstration he called for on Twitter the week before. Addressing crowds in the country's capital city, he called on his supporters to take to the streets for continued demonstrations next Saturday.


Like any proper anti-government rally, Guaido's was topped off with a screeching saxophone solo rendition of the country’s national anthem which was almost loud enough to drown out the crowd’s singing on live feed.


While Guaido toured South America and met with his most critical support base – foreign governments – the US ramped up pressure on Maduro’s government, imposing intensified sanctions and revoking visas for state actors.

Anonymous ID: 661355 March 4, 2019, 10:57 a.m. No.5502426   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2460 >>2483 >>2485 >>2509

’I Made a Mistake’ – Dutch ISIS Fighter Wants to Go Home with Brit Jihadi Bride


Dutch national turned Islamic State fighter Yago Riedijk has said it was a “huge mistake” to join the terror group, and that all he wants is to move to the Netherlands and “raise a family” with his jihadi bride Shamima Begum.


Speaking to the BBC, 27-year-old Riedijk claimed that despite travelling to Kobane and Aleppo to fight with Islamic State he “wasn’t really a fighter” and hardly used his weapon.


The Islamic extremist is being held in a Kurdish-controlled detention centre in north-eastern Syria and told BBC Middle East correspondent Quentin Sommerville, “I made a huge mistake. I’ve thrown away years of my life. It was not my life.


“Luckily, I didn’t directly hurt other people,” he claimed. “But me joining and supporting a group like that. It’s something that’s not acceptable.”


Seeming to be better schooled in appearing contrite than his UK-born wife, who was criticised for her lack of remorse while demanding to be allowed to return to Britain in recent interviews, Mr Reidijk said, “I would love to go back to my own country which I now understand the privileges that I lived with. The privilege of living there as a citizen.


“And, of course, I understand that many people have a problem with what I did and I totally understand that.


“I have to take responsibility for what I did, serve my sentence. But I hope to be able to return to a normal life and to raise a family,” claimed the Dutch national, who instructed his wife to name their recently-born son after a historical jihadi warlord famous for slaughtering “infidels”.


After she claimed to have been unfazed by seeing a severed head in a bin in Syria and appearing to regret that the Caliphate was collapsing, her husband claimed that he had kept her “in a protected shell” and that was she unaware of the beheadings, stonings, and slavery going on around her.


“She was just sitting inside taking care of the household while I was trying to get by,” the Islamic State fighter suggested.


“Feed her, feed myself. Try to keep out of trouble. Try to not getting killed by secret services.


“You know, making decisions that changed our lives, trying to keep us in safety.”


Asked whether he knew of any fighters who had kept slaves from the minority Yazidi sect — members of which have been persecuted, murdered, and sold into sexual slavery by the Islamic terror group’s fighters — he said that he knew of a fellow Dutch national who had one.


“That’s about as close as I ever got to a slave. I heard she was about 40 years old,” he claimed to the BBC.


Cabal plan all along was to return these trained "Jihadists" to start a civil war in Europe. Beware of those pushing this

Anonymous ID: 661355 March 4, 2019, 10:59 a.m. No.5502454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2519 >>2685 >>2782

'I'm anti-occupation, not anti-Semitic': Ilhan Omar spars with fellow Democrat over Israel


Ilhan Omar has attempted to set the record straight on her 'anti-Israeli' views, saying that her opposition to Israel's right-wing government does not make her anti-Semitic, as she traded verbal blows with Rep. Nita Lowey.


Omar's criticism of the Israeli influence on US politics has already made her the target of numerous attacks by both Republicans and her fellow party members, who accused her of invoking an anti-Semitic trope after she suggested that the rich Israeli lobby's grip on American politicians is too tight.


While she was eventually forced to apologize, thanking the lawmakers for "educating her on [the] painful history" of anti-Semitism, she refused to back down from her initial argument that the overbearing influence of the lobbyists as a whole is problematic.


On Sunday, the controversy was reignited after Omar wound up in a heated argument with her fellow Democratic Rep. Nita Lowey (NY) on Twitter.


"I am saddened that Rep. Omar continues to mischaracterize support for Israel. I urge her to retract this statement and engage in further dialogue with the Jewish community on why these comments are so hurtful," Lowey wrote.


She was apparently referring to a fresh remark criticizing Israel that Omar made at a debate at a Washington bookstore on Wednesday. Doubling down on her previous and partially retracted comments, Omar reportedly said: "I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is OK for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country."


Omar did not hold back, tweeting on Sunday that she "should not be expected to have allegiance/pledge support for a foreign country" in order to sit in Congress. Rejecting the "mischaracterized" notion, Omar wrote that she had purposefully "questioned" the relationship between Israel and the US.

Anonymous ID: 661355 March 4, 2019, 11 a.m. No.5502469   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“Brussels wants to legalise and boost immigration”, Hungary says


According to the Hungarian government’s response to the European Commission, Brussels intends to legalise and boost immigration.


The document released on Sunday is a detailed response to the commission’s Feb. 28 statement criticising Hungary’s communications regarding European Union policy on migration. The eight-page rebuttal presents the EU plans and decisions that the government says would increase migration into Europe.


In connection with the document, Csaba Domotor, the Hungarian state secretary of the cabinet office, said in a statement that various public statements and voting records showed the intentions of the EU. “The plans reflect a clear intention: to legalise immigration rather than stop it”, he said. “This intention is well served by the introduction of quotas, migrant bank cards and migrant visas”, he said.


Meanwhile, the Government Information Center said in a statement that the government advocated honest dialogue, even if this involved disputes. The statement published on the government’s website refers to a Brussels resolution stating that “the possibilities for legal migration must be ensured”. This, the statement said, “is extremely telling”.


“This is not a secret plot but an open intensification of cooperation on immigration”, it added. The statement said that whereas the commission insisted that financier George Soros had nothing to do with the EU’s migration policies, “the billionaire’s published statements coincide with plans being made in Brussels.”


The government said the scheme to relocate migrations based on compulsory quotas had not been withdrawn and the rights of EU member states to protect their borders would be overruled. The commission, it added, supported the introduction of a migrant visa while, “bafflingl”, denying such a plan.


At the same time, no denial was given concerning money given to organisations that aid migration, it said. Already, “tens of thousands of migrants” receive topped-up bank cards, the government maintained. The commission has acknowledged funding the scheme for migrant bank cards, it said, adding that 64,000 people had received money through card.


In its rebuttal, the Hungarian government also noted that the commission backed pilot projects that would legalise migration. Accordingly, EU member states would propose pilot schemes with African countries to “replace irregular migration flows with secure, orderly and well-managed legal migration opportunities”.


“The European Commission therefore does not seek to stop migration but the legalise it”, the government document said.


Brussels, it insisted, planned to reduce the EU funds of member states that take an anti-migration stance in a number of ways. The commission’s insistence that “there is no correlation between EU funding and support or rejection of migration” is untrue, the document adds.


“We are committed Europeans and we won’t surrender,” the government said in the rebuttal. “We want a Europe that respects the rights of nation states, builds on its Christian values, protects its communities, and can maintain its long-term security. This is why we speak out whenever we see all this endangered,” it added.

Anonymous ID: 661355 March 4, 2019, 11:02 a.m. No.5502491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2502 >>2509 >>2512

Marine Le Pen to be prosecuted for anti-ISIS tweets


Prosecutors have called for French right-wing leader Marine Le Pen to be tried for tweeting pictures of atrocities committed by the Islamic State group, judicial sources said.

Le Pen shared the gruesome images in December 2015, a few weeks after ISIS jihadists killed 130 people in attacks in Paris – and after a French journalist drew a comparison between the jihadist group and her party. Her move sparked widespread condemnation in France.

One of the pictures showed the body of James Foley, an American journalist beheaded by the Sunni extremists. Another showed a man in an orange jumpsuit being run over by a tank and the third showed a Jordanian pilot being burned alive in a cage.

‘Daesh is this!’ Le Pen wrote in a caption, using an Arabic acronym for ISIS.

She is facing a possible three year jail term and a fine of 75,000 euro’s if an investigating magistrate decides a trial should take place for ‘circulating violent pictures liable to bee seen by children’.

Prosecutors demanded that another member of her National Rally party, Gilbert Collard, also be tried on similar charges.

Le Pen, who lost to Emmanuel Macron in the 2017 presidential elections, was stripped of her parliamentary immunity over the pictures and thereafter charged with circulating violent messages.

Last year, she expressed outrage after the investigative magistrate called for her to undergo psychiatric tests in connection with her tweeting.

She has denounced the case against her as a violation of her freedom of expression.

Anonymous ID: 661355 March 4, 2019, 11:08 a.m. No.5502569   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel to supply missile defence systems to India for $777 mn


India has awarded an additional USD 777 million deal to a leading Israeli defence firm for supplying Barak 8 LR-SAM Air and Missile Defence Systems to seven ships of the Indian Navy, the company announced Wednesday.


The Long-Range Surface-to-Air Missile (LR-SAM) system is an operational Air and Missile Defence (AMD) system used by Israel's navy as well as by India's navy, air and land forces.


With the latest deal, the Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) said that the sale of Bara ..


Create a conflict then profit from it! Sounds very cabal of them!

Anonymous ID: 661355 March 4, 2019, 11:09 a.m. No.5502589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2631

OIC foreign ministers condemn Israeli violations against Palestinians


ABU DHABI: A high-profile meeting of foreign ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has pledged its commitment to establishing an independent Palestinian state, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Delegates at the 46th session of the OIC’s Council of Foreign Ministers concluded their two-day conference in Abu Dhabi by issuing a declaration condemning Israeli violations against the Palestinian people.

And ministers agreed to set up an endowment fund to guarantee future finance for the aid activities of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

According to the UAE news agency, WAM, the declaration also called on Iran to start peace talks with the UAE and international community, aimed at ending the Iranian occupation of three Emirati islands.

A reaffirmation of support in finding a political solution to the crisis in Yemen was agreed, and issues surrounding Syria, Libya and other countries were also covered.

On the situation over Palestine, the OIC statement reaffirmed that the Palestinian issue was central to both Arab and Muslim nations and reiterated the organization’s position to strive to reach a permanent solution to the matter “and to establish an independent Palestinian State according to the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital.”

The declaration condemned “all Israeli violations against the brotherly Palestinian people,” and pledged backing for UNRWA while urging “the international community to fulfill its commitments regarding the Palestinian issue and Palestinian refugees.”

On Yemen, the foreign ministers affirmed their “commitment to preserve the unity, sovereignty and territorial independence and integrity” of the country.

They said only a political solution would resolve the crisis in Yemen and they renewed their support for the efforts of the UN, its special envoy for Yemen, and coalition forces led by Saudi Arabia.

The declaration praised the efforts of the OIC over five decades to address the challenges facing not only the Muslim world, but the international community in general.